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"viewing the moon"

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"viewing the moon"


With eyes filled with so much pain, and the air in her lungs giving out, june muttered to her husband; "I cannot do this anymore."

"I will not live with you anymore and neither will my children."

She's walking back out to head back to her homeland, even though her legs ache and her throat is dry. June is willing to walk however long it takes to get away from Muzan for good, forever possibly.

When did her life get so dark? How was she so gullible to still be with this demon who kills others? Were the gods punishing her for the decisions she made at sixteen years old?

June wasn't sure, but she did know that the stars were not visible tonight. The nighttime air was thick and the crickets were extremely loud. The woman didn't care for the humidity, or the crickets, or the dangers out in the forests, June would keep walking.

And walking, walking, and walking. Not glancing back once to the wooden household that held memories of blood, screams and terrible cries.

Walking, walking, and walking. Forever back to her children, whom were probably anticipating for her return.

Walking, walking, and walking away from a marriage... a love that could never last.

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