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"an awareness of the universe"

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"an awareness of the universe"

Marriage, that was something June was truly unready for.

Yes. She did love Muzan with all her heart, wanted to be with him till forever time but marriage wasn't her plan yet. But she was still ready for it.

They talked about it for every night they were today, any excuse to stay awake with each other. It was impossible for the two to not love each other and care for each other.

June thought they would be great together and she hoped she wasn't wrong. She wasn't mistaken that this was the man who would take care of her to the end of time, make her laugh so much, and sleep by her side every night.

Muzan made her feel so special, like no one else mattered in this world besides her and conveniently Muzan wanted that in the first place. He wanted to make her feel as if she was the only girl in the world, that she was his soulmate.

Their love was proven that you didn't have to fall for the correct person, the bond, trust, and honesty is all that's important.


"June... please forgive me." He kneels down on one knee, hands gripping at her hips.

She's crying so hard that she couldn't even breathe properly. Her three children were peacefully sleeping as Muzan just confessed to her.

June had never felt more embarrassed and betrayal in her entire life, she felt like a joke. June didn't marry this demon to just get treated like a joke and be cheated on. She didn't leave her home for this demon to have another woman slap her across the face as she snickered about sleeping with her husband.

"I want a divorce."

Happy holidays everyone! Be safe and this is a holiday update since I know Wattpad been boring lately 😔 but how was your holiday(s) so far? I hope everyone is happy and healthy!

Also THANK YOU FOR 2K 🥺💗 the only other story I have that's had such high views was my very first fanfic from long ago and the rest have just been getting to 1k but I'm glad this fanfic is getting more recognition and I hope you guys do support my other works!

Some of my other works were unpublished for a time being but I do have a few coming out soon and will be returning the ones I unpublished.

But anyways love you guys and thank you once again 💗 stay safe and dont freeze! (in nc right now it's only 57 degrees, global warming at its finest 😗) but have a good holiday(s)!!!!

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