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"useless as snake legs"

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"useless as snake legs"

"Why am I even living?"

"Because Master Muzan helped your weak ass." The demon who answers the question blandly before squishing a bug. "Plus he did ask us to watch over his wife and children."

The three-eyed demon whines, crossing his arms. "It just doesn't make sense to me. Why can't he just talk to the human?"

The red demon shrugs. "Who knows? Maybe she's too scary for him."

"Yeah right. Look, she's clearly crying to the other human." He points to June throughout the wilderness as her brother comforts her. "I don't think he's scared of her, if anything-."

"Hey, shut up." The demon whips his hand out to cover the youngest mouth. The multi demon furrowed his eyebrows in anger, about to protest before a twig snaps. The sudden sound causes both demons to snap their head in the direction of the sound only to see Danki crouching down near the pond. "Whew, it's just his son."

"I almost thought we were goners. But hey, what is the kid doing up anyway?" They take their eyes off of June and towards Danki, who seems to be thinking long and hard.

Danki stares into the surface of the pond, eyes wandering in search. He licks his lips before reaching into the pitch black pond and starts to move his hand around.

"Um okay, this is pretty weird. Maybe we should just-." A splash is heard and both demons have their eyes widen as Danki's form disappears into the cold water. Both demons rush out towards the pond and begin to get nervous as the darkness of the night cloths the boys figure. "Oh my god! What are we going to do? What if he's dead?! I can't swim, can you swim? Master Muzan will kill us!"

"Shut yo you imbecile! I can get the boy out, just wait up here." The red demon takes in a breath before diving into the dirty water, using his power to search for the boy.

10 minutes pass and neither the boy or demon are seen. The three-eyed demon bites his nails, pacing back and forth with so much worry in his whole body. He jumps as another splash is heard and other demon inhales a deep breath, breathing harshly.

"Did you find him?" The demon in the water is gasping for air violently before shaking his head, water jumping off his body. "What are we going to do? Master Muzan-."

"You have called?"



"How long has he been under there?" Muzan says, blood dripping from his mouth and his hair goes into a low ponytail. Both demons are in confusion as the elder simply is super calm about the whole situation.

"He's been under there for over 10 minutes now. We don't even know what pulled him down! I went searching for him and even used my demon art but I still couldn't find him."

Muzan nods his head and groans slightly, of all the times this could've happened, it happens when his wife clearly wants to avoid him the best she can. Muzan couldn't blame her though but she was definitely not going to hear about this night ever.

"Come here boys, let me show you something." Muzan stands over the edge of the pond, waiting for both demons to approach him. They do so and their nerves are high. "To fly, you must first learn how to walk."

Both demons look at each other in confusion before a red glow shines in the water. Muzan slightly smirks at the glow before leaning over, waiting patiently. "And to become the greatest demon alive, you must first know death."

At those words, a claw reaches out to the male's face and Muzan dodges it just in time to take a good look at his son. "My dear son, aren't you a feisty one?"

Two pairs of red eyes stare back at each other, one in accomplishment and the other in a mysterious way. Danki breathes softly and look at his surrounds before taking a look at his once hands, now claws that could kill anyone. His once brown eyes were a blood red and had cat-like features, just like his fathers.

"What happened to me?" He hisses in anger and hate at the demon in front of him. A vein is visible on the boys neck and forehead, an action that reminded Muzan of him. "What did you do to me?"

"Son I didn't do anything to you, it was all apart of nature's mysterious ways. But if you really want to know so badly..." Muzan chuckles, reaching a hand out to help his son out of the water. Danki accepts it and squeezes tight in anger. "I don't think that was appropriate."

Danki throws a punch at the male's abdomen and he successfully hits him. "Just tell me, I'm tired of being left in the dark. I want you to tell me everything, from why we're here to why I'm suddenly so angry and hungry! Say all of it!"

"You're lucky I heal fast, you ant. Sit your ass down and let me tell you."

Danki huffs, crossing his arms. The two demons side eye each other before staying to listen to the conversation about to be told.

"Let me tell you how special your mothers blood is."

Btw thanks for 3k!!!

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