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The night was serene and everyone had laid to rest. The tiny village had let out all of their candles, wanting to rest their bodies as tomorrow would be another day of hard work.

All except one. She was running so fast out of fear and trying to escape the danger that was chasing after her. Tears streamed down her face and she was praying to the gods in hopes of her survival.

As she kept running, the forest was getting darker and darker. Her nerves were rising, she couldn't see what the path ahead was and she knew well enough that her attacker could see throughout the darkness.

There's a light and the woman sees a river leading to the another side and hope rejoices in her body. She could escape and get away as quickly as possible, probably finding help along the way as well. Finding help was all she could hope for as she looked back and saw her attacker still running, showing no signs of giving up until she was down.

"Please leave me alone!" She screamed with tears down her eyes, she couldn't breath and her body was telling her to just give up but her heart did not want to end the lives of two people. The attacker was not going to get away with hurting either one of them and she surely wanted this person to get caught no matter what. 'I have to be safe for now.' She thinks as the cave she's in hides her body and deep breaths. She wasn't sure how long she would have to stay in here until her attacker gave up but it's better than being killed. 'There's no way they'll find me.'

"Think twice dear." A shiver runs up her spin as she slowly turns around to see the two figures that she feared the most. "Now tell us why you ran away? We were just getting to the good part." One of the two attackers smirk before restraining the poor woman and she screams in fear. Her life was going to be over in a matter of a few seconds all because she listened to her friends.

"N-No please! You don't have to do this, I will m-move out the village if I have to. Just please don't kill me!" She cried and the second attacker almost took pity on the poor woman and how she kept shouting for help. Then.. he remembered what events that lead up to this and his face stayed neutral. "Sorry but some people just deserve to die." The woman cries out and the man leans down to her level, sending goosebumps up her entire body. She knew this would be the last moments of her life.

"This is what happens when you seduce someone who isn't yours." The woman screams out in agony as a fist full of claws enters her chest area, blood spills out and the man pulls his hands out before licking his claws. "Thank you for hurting an entire family." Instead of striking her in the chest, he delivers a final blow to her stomach, twisting her organs in a horrible way.

Once they both knew she was dead, they start to tear off parts of her body and eat them slowly. The older demon shakes in head in approval at the taste before looking up and instantly bowing in respect. The other one simply chews on the woman's hand with no care in the world of the man in front of him. "So... you finished the job? Now that makes me very proud."

"Yeah whatever. I still hate you."

Muzan chuckles before taking a look at the woman still tied up and mostly dead before saying, "Seems like you were right Torū, this one wasn't pregnant." The demon nods his head before glancing at the boy beside him.

"Sir?" Muzan is now looking at the demon, waiting for his question. "How many more until he's finished?"

The boy hardly looks up at his father, licking his claws as Muzan is in deep thought. "Hm. I would have to say two or three more. It's crazy how many woman have thrown themselves at me for their lives to end like this." He chuckles deeply before a proud smile is on his face. "I'm just so surprised you haven't walked away yet, human blood must be good to you then huh? There's no shame in that, it's only natural and there is no reason to feel quilty."

It's silent now as the three demons all glance at something different with many emotions. This series of events have been happening for twelve differernt nights now and it all ended the same way; somone dying because of his mistakes.

"I... I can't do this anymore. I want to go home." The boy weeps silently and the other two demons are silent.

That is until Muzan speaks. "Oh but you can't! Not yet at least, there is still more work to be done and other humans to kill. Home is not in our vocabulary right now, so please erase from your memory."

"But dad..."

"You want your mother to be happy right? Do you want your family to seperate?" Muzan asks the young male who wasn't realizing that his own father was manipulating him into murdering his mistresses and the children they carried off of his affiars. "You'd do anything for my June, right son?" He asks again and this time, the boy answers with a shaky voice,

"Yes father."

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