Headcanons & Crap

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1. I KNOW for a fact that June has thought about opening the curtains when the sun is shining while Muzan was sleeping.

2. Danki would be a fire or stone pillar, I can see it.

3. Muzan probably only eats bananas if he doesn't want to chase a human.

4. I feel like Kazumi wouldn't get along with other kids bc he's so quiet & into plants (which might be considered "girly") :/

5. Natsu would sneeze on you & then smear the spit just to make you angry.

6. Hope would most definitely love watching Animal Planet.

7. Myoi will try to roll her eyes but then realizes she can't, so she keeps trying & it makes everyone in the house confused.

8. If this was modernized, June would be a feminist and activist for abused women.

9. If Danki and Genya meet, they would be the best of friends.

10. If given the chance, their uncle would take the children with him to his farm.


1. Natsu actually has 3 chickens. Two females named Aya & Shi and a male chick named Shisui.

2. The only plant Kazumi hates are liverworts. They creep him out.

3. Hope did actually punch an adult in the face.

4. So far, June has had 3 suicide attempts. She really tries to not let her depression take over as she wants to see her children grow & be happy but it gets hard for her sometimes.

5. Muzan wonders if Myoi's illness is caused by having him (a demon) as her father. He hates that she is sick unlike the other kids.

6. Ever since that day he found out everything about himself, Danki has been going through a midlife crisis.

7. Muzan thinks the girls get their books by stealing them but no, it's the librarian (a young man) who runs the bookstore who's handing them out.

8. Also, Myoi finds the librarian attractive and both her mother & sister tease her for it.

9. When Ukai and June first slept together, she wanted to dump Muzan immediately until she realized she was pregnant & didn't want him to know it was Ukai's.

10. Muzan never questioned if Natsu & Kazumi were his children because he was cheating anyway, he really didn't care. He was happy but he was too busy killing, sleeping around & pretending to be human to notice she cheated.

Modern Era

1. They live in a big house, a mansion with 7 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 5 other rooms & a swimming pool with a deck. Their mansion is out near the plains, which was built by workers hired by Muzan. Muzan is CEO of his own company while June works part-time as a kindergarten teacher.

2. People try to convince him to throw a party at his house but Danki would rather lose his video games then invite people over his house. He doesn't even like parties.

3. Myoi reads fanfics, especially the ones involving Yami Sukehiro.

4. The family is actually happy in the modern time because it's a different scenario. Neither cheats, Muzan isn't strict and June is bubbly.

5. Kazumi wanted a big garden for his plants so Muzan added more land to their houses. So now, Kazumi's garden was bigger than before.

6. Natsu & Hope watch She-ra, Backyardigans and Adventure Time.

7. June still has her thick curves but does workout often at the gym. She also often gets hit on but Muzan is always somehow always there to intervene.

8. I feel like one of them would be part of the LGBTQ+ community. Idk which one.

9. Danki is a baseball player. Myoi plays the viola. Hope takes boxing classes. Natsu takes care of her chick & chickens. Kazumi plants new flowers or herbs every weekend.

10. Everyone is happy.

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