Mono no aware

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"the sadness of things"

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"the sadness of things"

Ripping the arm off the young woman's body, the blonde demon is waiting for Muzan to speak once again. It was midnight and Doma is, well was having a late night snack before Muzan appeared before him.

"You want me to do what now sir?" Disbelief filled his tone at Muzan's words.

Yeah, Doma is crazy as hell and very.... psychotic but this was the worst damn thing he has ever heard in his entire life.

"You will do as I say. Have it done by two days and you can be on your way."

Doma was silent for a second before nodding his head, chewing on the woman's arm. At least something was making him feel better about the ordeal that just happened.

"I'm going to die.~" Doma signs with a fake pout on his face but he was kind of worried at how this was all supposed to play out.

His orders were to kidnap the children.

And that's all he has to do but he usually doesn't take weird orders like this since this was basically his masters children. This was going to be extremely difficult since Danki was a demon & he knew that his masters wife was not easy to deal with.

This was going to need more than two days.

I forgot to do a birthday update 😭😣but ily guys & thank you so much for the good wishes!!! (Bday was June 7)

Also the spice/drama is back 😗 we'll have more coming soon! 👀

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