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Bite marks are present all over June's body as Muzan drags her down the long corridor, the back of her heels forming blisters as they scraped against the wood floors. Splinters prick her back and sting repeatedly causing her naked body to bleed little by little down the dark, narrow hallway. 

"Fuck. I forgot how heavy a deadweight body is." Muzan murmurs as little drips of sweat fall down his pale face. He's dragging her by one arm and not once looking back to see the state of his wife's body. Fact is, Muzan can't bring myself to look at June at the moment, not when he doesn't know if she's dead or alive... He'll find out sooner or later once he reaches the room he's so desperate to get to at the moment. 

Finally reaching his destination he drops the June's arm, letting her body flop against the floor to open the door into his research room. Getting enough room for the both of them he turns around to hook June up by her armpits, he now starts to notice the small drips of blood on her body.

"Goddamnit June. Look at what you made me do, I've had to hit you when it's clearly your fault." Irritation is present in Muzan's voice and he lays June on the cold table filled with instruments for his experiments. "Hopefully this works or else I will really kill you." Taking the scalpel from the table, Muzan slits his wrist easily waiting for the blood to drip out. He positions his bleeding wrist above June's mouth and it fills her dry throat.

He waits as more start to fill in her mouth until her eyes eventually open. Unexpectedly June grips his wrist harshly, sucking and filling her dry throat with his blood. Muzan winces for a second then snatches his wrist back to himself, watching the bite marks heal quickly.

His dark red eyes pierce at his wife, blood drips down her mouth and decorates her neck. June is coughing from the dehydration present but eventually dies down as she notices her husband. "...What happened?" She whispers finally taking notice of not just her naked body, but also the blood on her body. "What did you do?"

"It's not what I did. All I did was give you strength after you tested me. Lucky you to still be alive after getting beaten close to death by your husband." Muzan is indifferent towards his wife as he explains his previous actions.

"But I didn't-."

"But you did. You're lucky I didn't kill you or turn you into a demon, it would've been your fault anyways if you turned." Shaking his head, like he was disappointed, he covers June with a blanket that was left in the room. 

Confused, June just stays quiet as her husband wraps the blanket around her. She isn't sure what to say as she couldn't really remember what conspired before her passing out and waking up here. She fidgets with a single curly lock, unsure of what to say.

What could she say to Muzan? She had no excuse to come up with. She had no reason to not doubt her husband when she couldn't even remember what happened. Muzan was making it painfully obvious that she was the one who messed up and caused his temper.

If only she could learn. Until then she was Muzan's naive wife.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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