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"continuous improvement"

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"continuous improvement"

June was only 16, her body was pretty small compared to other girls in her family. While she was short, thick and had curly hair, other girls in her family were very different.

They were all tall and had muscles like samurais. Even though they were muscular, they'd still have men lining up for their hand. June was no where near the standard of her relatives and was constantly doubting herself on that.

It was when she met him, she started to love her body more and more.

He told her she was the most beautiful woman on this earth, that her curves made her just as special as her female relatives and that she didn't need muscles to be seen as strong. He showed her that even though her body was different, she shouldn't love herself less.

Muzan was definitely an older man when they first met at the rice paddies, she could tell by the way his speech was and how he emphasized things clearly. Although he was older, June couldn't help but fall for the man and his words.

Every night, they met near the rice paddies and would talk about their life for hours. June didn't care that she gave herself up to a man who was probably twice as older than her, she liked him. Muzan was so intrigued by the young woman and he always wanted to talk to her.

After knowing each other for six months, Muzan finally confessed that he was older than she had expected and that he was a demon. He expected June to freak out and try to kill him but all she did was shrug her shoulders. That surprised Muzan the most, he hasn't felt this accepted from someone since his last wife.

So it was no surprise that he asked to marry her and live with him, but of course she was hesitant on the matter. She was still only 16 and was unsure about getting married to Muzan and leaving her family. Muzan let her take her time in deciding a decision and they continued to  talk as if the proposal didn't happen.

It was around June's birthday is when things started heating up. Conversations would turn into makeout sessions and long kisses. She wasn't even 17 yet, already giving up her whole life to the demon. So yes, 3 months before her birthday she gave up her virginity to the man who had constantly showed he loved her.

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