{41} Em's Texan Abode

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Chapter 41:

Hanna's POV

We took forever to leave the airport, Aria kept on complaining about how we were at the wrong exit, even though she was right, it was annoying as hell.

Spencer had to pee every time we'd pass a bathroom, but we all knew she was secretly texting Toby since the bathrooms had the fastest wi-fi connection out of the entire airport itself.

And I would stop every time there was a hint of food, I probably gained 5 lbs because of that. We finally found the right exit and yelled for a cab, we all squished into the back and gave the driver directions to Emily's hotel and shortly after we arrived, we paid the driver and went in.

We asked the lady at the front desk which suite Emily was in and she told us the number.

Room: 610

we made our way towards the elevator and hit the 6th floor button. Spencer's eyes widened "Woah, this hotel has 21 floors. Shit. How is Emily paying for this?" Spencer said.

I shrugged my shoulders "You should ask her where she's getting the money for all of this." Aria responded.

I jumped in the conversation "Hell she can afford a 4 star hotel but she can't payback the $80 bucks she owes me?" I joked.

Once the elevator hit the 6th floor, we walked over to Room 610 and knocked lightly.

In a matter of seconds the door swung open and Spencer jumped onto Emily screaming of joy "OH MY GOD IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Spencer exclaimed.

Emily was laughing "I missed you too Spence." Emily said back.

Aria and I laughed as well and walked into Emily's suite closing the door behind us.

Spencer's POV

I got off Emily since she started to lose her balance. Once I got off her I was able to get a clearer view of her suite. DAMN! It looked like a fucking mansion! Not as big as a mansion but as nice as a mansion can get!

Our mouths dropped with awe, Emily laughed "Okay, Okay. Close your mouths. You'll catch flies." Emily said closing each of our mouths shut.

My eyes were still widened at the amazement of how nice and clean everything was. We would've thought Em would be a mess considering with the whole Ali and Maya situation.

I finally was able to relax and sat on the couch, there was mini bar that Hanna started to invade and Aria went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I yelled at them.

"Guys! We're here for Emily not for your urge for hunger!" Hanna had a mouthful of chocolate and Aria was taking out a pizza from the fridge right at the moment I yelled at them.

"No no really. Please eat! Room service brings up a lot of food I don't even touch." Emily responded.

Hanna and Aria joined us on the couch with their food and laughed "Hey Em! Where's that $80 bucks you owe me that other day?" Hanna said slyly shoving another piece of chocolate in her mouth.

Emily laughed and pulled out $80 out of her wallet and gave it to Hanna.

Aria's eyes widen "Hey Em can you spot me a $50?"

Emily looked at us and laughed "Sure" and pulled out a $50.

I laughed "Where the hell are you getting all this money?" I asked Em.

Emily stood up "I've been saving money since I was 7, and I always left it here whenever I would visit. You know to keep it safe from A and all." Em explained.

Emily's POV

I explained the reason why I had all my money. It got quiet since Hanna and Aria were shoving their faces with food and Spencer and I were just silently sitting.

I finally broke the silence "So how's Alison?" I asked them hoping they would give me a respectable response.

Hanna put her chocolate down "She's doing good Em." She responded with a small smile.

"Don't worry about her, she's on a trip with Maya." Aria told her.

I nodded "Oh yeah. I forgot they probably got to Vegas already." I responded checking my phone.

"Maya said she would text me once they arrived." I explained looking through my recent messages and looked up once I found Maya's message from 2 hours ago.

I lifted my phone up so the girls could see the screen. "They're there." I said simply, I stood up, stretching my legs.

"You planned that trip, didn't you." Spencer asked me.

I looked down "I just wanted them to have a good time." I told them.

Hanna shook her head "Em you'll never get over Ali if you keep on planning dream trips for Maya. You have to avoid them" Hanna told me.

I shook my head "I can't just avoid Ali."

"You could if you tried." Aria stated simply stuffing a piece of chocolate into her mouth.

My phone rang at that moment, I glanced down onto the screen


I looked at the girls. "I'll go take this. You guys help yourselves." I told them while gesturing to the kitchen fridge.

I left and went into my room before accepting Maya's call. "Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Emily? It's Ali."

I gulped when I heard Ali's voice from the other side.

"Alison? What is it?" I responded back, holding my breath.

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