{15} The Secret

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Chapter 15:

Alison's POV

Are you fucking kidding me?

"Paige seriously, if you want me to tell her I will." I repeat at Paige, getting irritated over the how this conversation stays going in circles. 

Paige shakes her head in disagreement as she takes a second to fully commit to a decision.

 "Okay fine, I'll tell her."

I sigh in relief once Paige finally agrees as I nod at her to finalize on what we agreed on before standing up and leaving the room. As I re-enter the hallway, I pull out my phone and open up the phone icon while scrolling through my missed calls. I scroll until I find the caller ID that failed earlier on and attempt to call back. 

As I continue my way down the hall, I feel hands grabbing me and pulling to the side.

"Alison, we need to talk." Emily states as she rubs the area that she pulled. I look at Emily in dismay, wondering how long she's been on this floor.

"What is it baby?" I ask sweetly, in hopes to rid of whatever Emily was trying to talk about I attempt to bring our lips together but Emily quickly pulls away while shaking her head, trying to stay determined to having this conversation.

"What were you guys talking about in there?"

"I thought you were on the main floor already." I murmur while looking down to avoid her stare.

"Alison. Answer the question." Emily states more firmly, eager to know but now with a hint of irritation in her tone.

"Em, if I could then I would but I can't tell you. Paige will..." Emily seems even more upset now as I look at her.

"...Why do you want to know so bad?"

"It sounds like it's something I need to know so please what is it?" Emily tries once more as I huff out, feeling stuck in my position.

"I told you Paige will tell you." I state out while grabbing onto Emily's arm and pulling her back towards the direction of Paige's room.

I open the door as we walk in to be greeted with an empty bed, I look over to a confused and worried Emily as she walks around the room, checking the bathroom and under the bed. We continue to look around the abandoned hospital room to see if Paige left anything worth finding. I shake my head at Paige's successful escape just to avoid telling Emily the truth.

Really Paige?

Now where the fuck did you go?

Emily's POV

We continue to search around the room, trying to find something she may have left behind but we came up with nothing. No Paige in sight. I look over at Alison who was deep in thought with herself. 

"Should we try finding her?"

Alison looks around and shakes her head in refusal while she walks over to examine the bed once more.

"No, she has a reason to leave as soon as possible." she replies as her gaze stays still onto the abandoned bed. I give her a confused look, still dying to find out what was so secret to tell me about. 

"Tell me what's the secret." 

"You really want to know something that eager, that you don't even care what might happen next." Alison replies as she shifts in her stance, growing tired of this situation.

"Okay well what's gonna happen? Just tell me." I question while shaking Alison's body. 

Ali remained quiet, not moving while she stands in place, eyes closed and deep in thought.

"Come on, let's go." I tell her while walking out the room, I look back to see no Alison behind me. 

I re-enter the room again to find her still standing in that one spot, eyes closed shut.

"Alison, let's go." I repeat again while pulling Alison's arm, but she wouldn't budge. 

"I'm gonna pick you up if you don't move those feet." I warn her and pull on her once more. 


"Okay, have it your way." I speak up as I pick her up swiftly and make our way over to the elevator. Once it finally pings open, I step in and place Alison back down onto her feet, she still had her eyes shut. I don't know what was happening but it was as if Alison was traumatized by Paige's sudden disappearance. 

Alison's POV

I was in complete shock once we re-entered the room. After a few hefty minutes of trying to figure out where Paige went and searching her room. I could feel the anxiety build up inside of me once again. I close my eyes once Emily began to bombard me with questions so I tune her out for minute as I try to compose myself on what to do next. My legs start to feel heavy while I slowly start to ease my mind over the new responsibility I now have to take on all thanks to Paige. I roll my eyes under my lids, I really can't believe Paige could just leave without telling Emily. 

All of a sudden, I feel Emily picking me up while I was in mid-trance, however, the way she picked me, I enjoyed every second of it, I let out a small smirk as she holds me in her arms. Once we were standing in the elevator, I finally break free from my trance as I notice Emily flinching at my sudden movement and all I could do was laugh. 

"What's wrong babe?" I ask her, still giggling at Emily's little jump.

"Why weren't you moving earlier?"

"I don't know. I guess I was in shock over how Paige could just leave like that after getting shot." I play out, shrugging my shoulders and hoping I could get away with such a lame excuse.

But Emily knows when I'm lying.

"Babe, I know when you're lying."

I look at her and nod, confirming that I was indeed lying. I shake my head, acknowledging the fact that I'm at my breaking point and at any given second I'm just going to fall apart and spill everything to Emily.

"Baby, please. What's the secret?" Emily pleads again, indicating that she was never going to give up unless I give in.

She needs to know.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you but you have to promise me that you won't freak out."

She nods in agreement, curiosity and eagerness fill her orbs as I lean in and whisper into her ear. Once I pull back to see her reaction, Emily soon became the one who was in a trance.

"W-W--What do you mean Maya's alive?" 

"Maya's alive, Emily."

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