{3} -A's a bitch

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Alison's POV

After meeting with Principal Hackett, I re-enter the hallway and continue my search for Emily through the crowd. I quickly spot her beautiful dark locks from afar and notice that she was also avoiding Spencer, who was attempting to talk to her. I could tell from Emily's timid stance and dismissing behavior that something was bothering her so I soon decide to approach them, even though I wanted to talk to Emily privately. With every step I took, I could hear Spencer's voice more clearly and eventually found myself standing behind her, listening to her accuse me of something. I lock eyes with Emily briefly before scoffing at Spencer's comments and clearing my throat to speak up. 

"You know it's not nice to gossip, Spence. Especially if it's about me." I let out whilst arching an eyebrow for effect, I cross my arms to show I still own my classic diva stance.

I was soon fully faced with one guilty looking Spencer Hastings and one tensed - up Emily Fields, who continues to avoid my gaze once again. Spencer rolls her eyes and scoffs at my accusation.

"Oh come on Ali, the day just started. What could I possible say?" Spencer challenges back at me, washing away any visible guilt from her face. She side eyes Emily as if to tell her to play along with her tactic.

"For real Ali, not everything's about you." Emily snarks back while backing up Spencer, she gives a very unconvincing yet adorable smirk as she turns back towards her locker. 

"Okay, well I have to be anywhere but here. So bye!" Spencer lets out as she awkwardly laughs while exchanging looks at both myself and Emily then turns on her heels and walks away, joining the crowd full of pre-pubescent boys and bitchy girls.

I keep my gaze on Spencer's awkward walk through the crowd, knowing damn well that I was being lied to and played with. I roll my eyes, shrugging it off briefly before readjusting myself in front of Emily, who widens her eyes but continues to fully face her locker.

"So Em, about last night-" I attempt to begin with but was soon cut short by an aggravated Emily.

"What about it? It was nothing...just practice, right?" Emily interrupts, I internally cringe at the word "practice", knowing the history of that word between us and how much of an impact that one word caused the both of us of internal misery. 

Okay, ouch.

"Um...okay, well was it practice for you?" I ask her, attempting to break through her obvious facade. I look at her with pleading eyes, begging her to tell me her truth. 

"I don't know, usually it is with you." Emily pushes back, finally maintaining eye contact with me for the first time since we entered the school. My knees suddenly weaken from her gaze. 

It wasn't for me.

Suddenly, the bell rings and soon enough everyone around us starts to rush off to class. I shake my head at the very convenient bell that just so happens to interrupt such an important conversation. I look at Emily, who releases a sigh of relief as she closes her locker, now being given the opportunity to abandon the conversation.

"Can we talk about this before lunch? I'll meet you back here." I said as more of a statement rather than a question since I was not about to take no for an answer. Emily sighs once more but nods in agreement as she goes back to avoiding my gaze.

"Okay, sure." Emily replies back as she zips her bag close before letting out a soft smile and walks off towards her next class. 

As I watch the dark haired beauty make her exit out of the hall, I feel my phone vibrate...

If you tell Emily about your precious feelings. 

Precious Emily will soon feel nothing at all. 

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