{29} Did you Miss me?

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Chapter 29:

Alison's POV

"Did you miss me?"

I couldn't believe that Emily is actually standing right in front of me. The smile on my face couldn't even describe the type of happiness I was feeling I jump into her arms as I wrap mine around her neck, taking her into a full embrace.

"Oh my god, you're back!" I let out in her ear as Emily buries her face into the crook of my neck before whispering aloud.

"I missed you..." 

"...and I missed doing this." Emily says before backing up and capturing my lips with hers.I smile softly into the kiss.

"I missed the taste of your lips." I say as I catch my breath from the surprise kiss, I then reattach our lips while I rest my hand on the base of her neck. 

Emily moans quietly into the kiss, as she widens her mouth slightly to capture my tongue with hers. I nibble onto her lower lip as she gasps out in pleasure before doing the same with mine. After a few moments, we part while resting our foreheads together, Emily takes my hand and lowers me onto the floor to where our backs are press up against Spencer's bed.

We didn't want to lay on her bed, especially after realizing all the "fun activities" her and Toby definitely do whenever they're alone. I snuggle close to Emily and she wraps her arm around me while I soon start to feel my eyes come to close as I feel the security and protection that Emily's arms has always provided for me.

"I love you so much, Em." I tell her while looking up to her, Emily kisses the top of my head before replying.

"I love you, Ali."

And with that, she rests her head on top of mine as I drift slowly into a deep sleep and for the first time in six months, I actually feel safe and happy.

Emily's POV:


I awoke in Spencer's room with my arms wrapped around my beautiful blonde, I smile as I stare at her undeniably beauty. I notice the way the sunlight hits her golden complexion and how her hair swiftly falls perfectly alongside her face, I kiss her forehead and seconds later, Alison's eyes start to flutter open.

"Good Morning sleepyhead." I say softly as I bend down to kiss her lips. Ali smiles and snuggles closer to me, avoiding my lips.

"Ugh, no I have morning breath." She groans as she tries to cover her mouth. I grab her hand and look deep into her baby blue eyes,

"I don't care." I whisper as I hold her face even closer and kiss her gently. 

Alison smiles into the kiss as she deepens it by widening her mouth and inviting my tongue with hers. She then pulls at the collar of my shirt, to get even closer into me while I hold her upright with one arm and the other caressing the side of her face while our tongues continue to battle for dominance. 

I giggle softly into her mouth as she takes both her hands and raises them into my hair, pulling at it slightly. I moan into her mouth while I capture her neck with my lips, placing small kisses alongside her pulse point. I finally pull back once the realization of being in Spencer's room kicked in.

"Okay, come on let's go downstairs." I say while jumping up and lending a hand out, Alison gladly takes it and interlocks our hands.

"I've missed your touch." I tell her while kissing her hands delicately.

As we make our way downstairs, we find Hanna, Aria, and Spencer sleeping, with Hanna and Spencer on the couch and Aria on the armchair.

"Should we wake them up?" Alison whispers over to me while pointing towards the three girls who were fast asleep. I shake my head and smirk before replying. 

"Or we can make breakfast."

"Okay, I'll get the pancake batter, you get the bacon and eggs." Alison instructs as she walks towards the kitchen to get the batter from the cabinets.

I grab the bacon and eggs from the fridge and began to fry the bacon while Alison made chocolate chip pancakes, My favorite. I wink at her while she smiles back at me, the memories of us making breakfast together still fresh in my mind. I lean forward to capture Alison's lips once more.


We both quickly turn and find Hanna, wide awake and sitting up on the couch while Spencer was still asleep. I turn to look at Alison and once our eyes met, we both burst out laughing. 

"Of course even while asleep you can smell it." I laugh as Hanna quickly stands up and helps herself to some already fried up bacon.

I had to re-fry more because Hanna basically invaded the entire first batch, with a little help of Alison. After we finish making all the food, including my third batch of bacon since the second one didn't survive again due to Hanna. Spencer finally wakes up, she rubs her eyes as she looks around.

"You guys better have left me some bacon." Spencer threatens as she stretches and stands up.

We all eye Hanna, who was currently digging into the third batch. Quickly, Spencer makes her way over to join in as we all turn back around, noticing the absence of our smallest friend.

"OH NO, ARIA! WE'RE EATING YOUR PIG!" Hanna yells, attempting to wake her up. Aria's eyes shoots open instantly.

 "WHERE'S PIGTUNIA?" Aria asks with concern for her stuffed toy piglet while she rubs her eyes. Spencer laughs and joins in with the joke.

"In here and she was delicious." Spencer banters at her as she rubs her full belly.

Aria gives her a death glare before bursting out laughing and making her way to join us by the island table. We start to eat and talk just like old times.

"So Em, what brings you back to Rosewood? You never told us." Spencer asks as she finishes eating her last pancake. All the girls turn their attention to me while I gulp to myself, softly.

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