{7} Paily Returns

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Chapter 7:

Hanna's POV

Once our interaction with Paige came to an end, all our phones rang simultaneously, we all grimace at the haunting sound and pull out our phones swiftly.


Kisses -A 

"Oh my fucking God, that son of a bitch's a Paily shipper." Spencer huffs as she crosses her arms, looking at all of us with concern and irritation.

"No, Emily you don't have to do this." Alison spoke to Emily, holding her face in her hands.

"I'd much rather have me suffer than have you get hurt by A." Emily says sadly, she looks down and starts to pace, shaking her head at her decision.

"So we have an agreement then, I'll get back together with Paige to protect Ali?" Emily stated rather more than asking us. Spencer, Aria, and I all agree but Alison was shaking her head, Emily walks over to Alison and pulls her close, kisses her and then hugs her tightly.

"I know we just started but I want you to be safe baby."

"Em I love you, I don't think I can stand to see you with a another girl, let alone Paige, herself." Alison replies, we all let out a sad awe before coming together for another group hug. Emily lets out a sad smile.

"You'll never have to doubt my love for you, okay?"

At that statement Alison finally agrees and now it's settled. 

Paige and Emily has to get back together.

Alison's POV

Ugh. Monday morning. 

Yesterday, Emily and Paige got back together and knowing damn well, today Paige will definitely do the most and rub it in my face. I let out a sigh as I lay across my bed, I rub my eyes trying to ease the stress I'm about to endure. I slowly got enough courage to get up, dress, and drive to The Brew to get a coffee.

When I walk in, Emily and Paige were sitting at our usual spot. I roll my eyes as Paige spots me and starts to caress Emily's arm as she holds her hand with the other. She smirks at me thinking it'll affect me somehow. I look over to see what Emily's response was but as she spots me, she gives the most adorable smile.

God I love her.

I smile back and once Paige sees that she pulls Emily and kisses her, harshly. I cringe at the sight of it. After I order and receive my coffee, they were still kissing. I could see the horror in Emily's face as she attempts to break loose from Paige's heavy grip, trying to catch a breath. After successfully withdrawing my gaze from them, I quickly make my way out of The Brew and back into my car.

I just hope that maybe Paige will stop sucking Emily's face soon.

Paige's POV

After seeing that disgusting look exchange between Emily and Alison, I grab Emily's gaze and kiss her with passion. She's reluctant at first but slowly she starts to calm down, still attempting to break loose. I keep my lips on hers as I keep my eyes on Alison leaving The Brew, Emily finally breaks away from the kiss after many failed attempts.

"What the hell was that?" She asks, looking at me with scrunched up eyebrows.

"Oh...I just wanted a kiss, you know I can never resist those lips." I say playfully, as I tap on her nose. Emily shakes her head and looks over where Alison was initially and realizes she isn't there anymore.

"Let's go, we'll be late for school." Emily says as she starts packing her backpack,

"Okay!" I respond standing up, I grab Emily's hand and interlace them. Emily didn't have a response to it but I just shrug it off, soon after we left Emily drives our way to school while I try to take some cute couple pictures for my wallpaper, however all I got were blurry and Emily's arm in the way pictures, I sigh loudly and roll my eyes as we pull into school right on time. I spot Alison, Spencer, Aria, and Hanna standing outside, waiting for Emily while we got out and before Emily could leave my side I pull her against me, look right over at Alison and smash our lips together once more, basically marking my territory, Emily pulls away soon after a couple seconds.

"I got to go." She says as she wipes her mouth and looks over at the girls as she gives them a quick wave.

"Okay, see you at lunch. I love you." I reply giving her a smile.

"Alright, see ya." she responds back and walks over to the girls, I look at Alison and give her a smirk as I walk in to my first period class, I laugh to myself while shaking my head.

I knew sending that text will break them apart.

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