{36} Bad-ass Maya? Crazy-ass Maya

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Chapter 36:

Paige's POV

"Okay when I tell you, please don't be mad." I whispered quietly.

Emily looked at us, confused "Why would I be mad? The only person I'm mad at is myself. I'm really pathetic! I don't even remember that much about me and Mona's hookup!" Emily said.

Hanna sat by Emily guiding her and giving me a look to tell her "Look Em, you and Mona's hookup...was planned...by Maya." I confessed.

Emily looked at me "What are you saying?" Emily asked.

I sighed "Maya threatened Mona that she'll tell the cops that Mike murdered her if she didn't get her to sleep with you. Mona obeyed because the threat was about Mike. And Maya gave Mona a pill to drug you, she added it in your drink when you went to the bathroom---" I said but then interrupted.

"Wait were you there with Maya?" Emily asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

I nodded "And you didn't stop her?!?" Emily asked now angry.

I shook my head "I was also threatened by her too! I had no choice!" I tried to explain.

Emily shook her head "Then why are you telling me just now? Right when I lost Ali." Emily asked.

"Maya has feelings for Ali and she tried to break you guys apart for quite a while now. She sabotaged the whole thing just to break you and Ali up." I explained.

"And I'm telling you this because Maya threatened me if I told Ali, but she didn't say anything about telling you." I explained even further.

Emily shook her head once more "I can't believe this. Maya did this to get to Ali? And Ali, she fell for Maya's act." Emily said staring at the ground, and the she started to tear up.

Aria sat down as well "Why are you crying Em?" Aria asked as she hugged her tightly.

Emily's POV
I shook my head "I just don't want to think about the fact that Ali might fall for Maya." I explained.

Hanna and Paige frowned and gave me a hug as well as Aria.

"There's no way in hell Ali is ever gonna fall for Maya." Hanna said trying to cheer me up.

I frowned "Then why didn't she back away when Maya kissed her? Why did she kiss back?" I asked

"I can tell when Ali is starting to fall for someone. I've been watching her since we were in 9th grade." I said crying,

"Well if she does fall for Maya then it won't even last." Paige said, comforting me.

"You have Ali's heart and she has yours." Hanna added.

Aria nodded "She's right." Aria agreed.

"Of course she's right!" We all heard Spencer yelling from the sidewalk, walking towards us.

"How did it go Em?" Spencer asked me sitting down, I looked away.

They were all staring at me waiting for my answer "She said she needs time." I told them.

They all exchanged looks "Time for what?" Aria asked.

I shrugged my shoulders "Time to process, I guess?" I suggested.

Hanna stood up "What's to process? This is all Maya's fault!" Hanna said angrily.

Spencer eyes widened "Wait did I miss something here?" Spencer asked everyone.

Paige sighed "Maya sabotaged everything. Mona and Emily's hookup, Emily getting drunk, the picture, Everything." Paige confessed to her.

Spencer stood up as well "Well did anyone tell Ali?" Spencer asked around.

We all shook our heads "Maya's blackmailing Paige, so we can't." Hanna said.

Spencer nodded "Maya blackmailed Paige if she told Ali right?" Spencer asked us. Paige nodded.

Spencer smirked "She said Paige couldn't tell Ali, but she never said we couldn't." Spencer said pointing it out.

Aria and Hanna nodded "Yeah that's right. Dammit Spence I hate how smart you are." Hanna said.

Spencer rolled her eyes. "If I wasn't here, you dimwits wouldn't go that far. Now come on!" Spencer said as everyone jumped into Aria's car.

Alison's POV

After Emily left, I didn't feel like laying down so I made some tea. Every little thing I do reminds me of Emily, we did everything together, I frowned at the realization.

After I made my tea, I sat down on my couch and picked up my phone

*Emily: 23 missed calls*
*Maya: 18 missed calls*

I examined the screen and scrolled through my photos, I came up to a pic of me and Em, we were taking a selfie, she was kissing my cheek while I posed for the pic, I smiled at the memory when we took it.

Then I scrolled to the left and a pic of me and Maya came up, we were silly posing with our arms over our shoulders giving each other duck faces, I also smiled at the pic.

Do I have feelings for Maya too? What the fuck is happening right now? I shook my head. There's no way in hell I should be having these feelings. I drank my tea until I heard a knock on my door.

I walked over and breathed in, hoping it's Emily again, I opened the door and out stood Maya breathing heavily.

I gave her look "Hey." I said casually.

She smiled "Hey." she replied as she stepped inside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I closed the door, and at the moment I turned back to face Maya, she pressed her lips deeply onto mine.

I was surprised at the moment and then I relaxed as I kissed back and we kissed in sync. I broke away, breathing heavily.

"What was that for?" I asked her, trying to catch my breath.

She smiled "I wanted to see you again." She said as she kissed my lips once again, I gave her a weak smile, she noticed.

"Why? Were you expecting someone else?" She asked me suspiciously.

I looked away and sighed, Maya gave me another look "Were you expecting Emily?" She asked me, I nodded.

Maya backed away "Why? She cheated on you. Do you want to see the photographic evidence of it again?" Maya asked me a bit more harshly than usual.

I glared at her "Why do you have to bring that back up? That Emily cheated on me?" I asked her.

Maya started to walk towards the couch and sat down "I don't mean to. I just get jealous at times whenever Emily comes into our conversations." Maya confessed, I sat down with her.

"Look I don't know if you have the same feelings for me as I do for you. But I just want you to know that I really really like you Al, and I care for you, even if it's just as friends." Maya told me sincerely.

I gave her smile "That's what I'm confused with Maya. I don't know if I do have feelings for you or if it's just my mood towards Emily. But I do know that you're really special to me. And I don't want to lose you." I told Maya.

She smiled brightly "Okay. I'll take it." She said "I guess I should let you sleep, you must be really tired out." Maya said.

I nodded "Yeah I am. I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked her.

"We'll see." She replied while kissing me on the lips. I smiled back as we walk towards the door.


"Bye Al" Maya replied as she exited my condo.

I closed my door and slid my back on the door, I shook my head. "Emily or Maya?" I asked myself as I closed my eyes and slid down along the door.

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