{37} The Fight

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Chapter 37:

Spencer's POV

As soon as I pointed out that we could actually tell Ali about what Maya did, we all jumped into Aria's car and drove to Ali's condo.

When we got there we all made a move to get out but Emily stopped us, "I'll go." She told us, opening her car door.

We all looked at her with an agreeing face, "Okay, call us if you need anything." I told her.

She nodded and stepped out of the car and started to walk towards the entry door where we all spotted Maya leaving and was now face to face with Emily.

"Oh shit." Hanna whispered, as she quickly opened her door to get out.

I shook my head "Fuck." I said as I got out of the car, Paige and Aria followed afterwards as Hanna and I were making my way towards Maya and Emily who was glaring at each other with anger.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Emily snapped at Maya.

Maya smirked "Emily. I should be asking you the same thing." Maya snapped back.

Maya spotted Paige who was hiding behind Hanna and Aria, "Well I see you've found yourself a new clique" Maya snarled at Paige.

Paige hid her face once more and Maya faced back to Emily "I'm here for Ali, she wanted me here." Maya told us.

Emily gave out a laugh "You actually believe that Ali will ever date you? She would never." Emily laughed bitterly at Maya.

Maya laughed as well "Oh Emily, I don't think you'll be thinking that when I tell you that I just had a make out session with Ali in there." Maya replied back with a smirk as she pointed at the condo.

Emily's eyes weakened and we all saw the anger in her face like she was about to explode.

Hanna and I knew what was going to happen next. Emily stepped forward and punched Maya square in the face, Maya collapsed onto the ground and Emily walked over her and kicked her, and began to beat the living hell out of her.

Hanna, Aria, Paige and I all exchanged faces telling each other to let Emily go just for a few moments.

When I witnessed Maya bleeding from her face and mouth I grabbed and held Emily back, telling her enough.

"Don't you dare touch her again!" Emily yelled at Maya, Maya stood up smirking with her beaten lip with blood flowing down onto her clothes.

"I believe you're way too late for that." Maya replied with a smirk as she gently touched her lip.

Emily got angrier and tried to get through me but Hanna and Aria pushed her back to help me, but Emily started to push through the 3 of us.

Emily's POV

I got really angry when Maya told me about Ali and her, I tried to push through Spencer, Hanna and Aria, who were holding me back.

Maya backed up "It was nice seeing you girls again, but unfortunately I have to go. But I'll see you all soon." Maya said and winked as she ran to her car.

When she left the girls let go of their hold on me. I shook my head and held my hands close, they were all red and bloody because of Maya's face, I squatted down and sat on the curb.

"Wow Em! You really beat the shit out of Maya!" Hanna said trying to cheer me up.

I gave her and the others a weak smile, "Thanks Han." I said. I stared at the ground thinking about what Maya said about her and Ali.

"So are you going to tell Ali about what Maya did?" Aria asked, I thought about it and shook my head "No. It's still my fault about what happened back in Texas, I should've stopped what I was doing." I told them.

Spencer shook her head "But Em that's the thing, you didn't even realize what you were doing." Spencer told me, trying to make me not feel guilty. It didn't work.

"Yeah, but I should've." I said standing up. "Can we please go? I want to go home." I told them, they were hesitant until Aria nodded.

"Sure Em, if that's what you really want." Aria asked.

I nodded "I'm sure. Let's go." I said, we all walked back inside Aria's car and drove away from Ali's condo.

Alison's POV

1 week later

I drove back to Rosewood and to my house, once I got to my house, I immediately went to my room and changed my clothes, I checked my phone.

*No new messages*

I frowned at that the sight of the screen. It's been a week, why hasn't Emily called or texted? I called Spencer, no answer.

I called Hanna, the call went straight to voicemail. then I called Aria, she picked up at the last ring.

"Hey Ali."

"Hey Aria, where are you?", Aria's side went silent for a moment.

"I'm with Spencer and Hanna."

"I just called them but they didn't answer. Are they mad at me or something?" I asked, now confused.


"Why what did I do?" I asked her, I heard Aria let out a sigh.

"Ali I think it would be better if we just talk in person. Come over to Spencer's house."

"Okay I'll be there in a minute." I told her as I hung up and grabbed my sweater and out the door I went.

I walked over to Spencer's and rang the doorbell. I heard arguing between Spencer and Aria, "Why would you tell her to come over?" I heard a muffled Spencer say,

"I thought it was time to tell her about Emily!" Aria replied back even more muffled.

I rang the doorbell again, this time the door actually opened with Hanna standing by the doorway.

"Hi Ali" Hanna said quietly, I gave her a confused look

"Hey Han." I replied back, we walked into the kitchen/living room where Aria and Spencer were standing still looking at me.

"Okay what's with all the arguing?" I asked them as I sat on the couch.

Spencer rolled her eyes at me, I noticed and stood up "Hey Spence. Why are you mad at me? I need to know if I'm going to fix this!" I told her, still utterly confused of the situation.

Spencer looked at me and then looked at Aria and scoffed "You don't need to know anything Ali because you can't fix what you've already done." Spencer replied and making her way up the stairs with Hanna following behind her.

Hanna waited for a moment and glanced at Aria, "You tell her, I think it's time for her to know." Hanna told Aria, Aria nodded in agreement.

Aria sat me down as Hanna went upstairs to check on Spencer. I gave her a worried expression "What's going on?" I asked once more.

Aria sighed "It's about Emily."

My eyes weakened "What happened? What about Emily?" I asked completely desperate for an answer.

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