{28} Stressed & Depressed

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Chapter 28:

Hanna's POV


It's been very dull ever since Emily left. Of course Aria, Spencer, and I still hang out and we try to bring Alison along but she's been very distant for the past few months. Today, we took our daily checkup with Alison as Spencer drives us to her house, we pull up and insert a key that we copied just in case anything drastic happened. With Ali in this state of mind, you can never be too careful honestly.

"Hey Ali, are you home?" Spencer asks as she opens up her front door, we walk in and up the stairs towards Ali's bedroom door. Aria swiftly knocks once we reach it and wait a few seconds for a response.

"Ali, are you in there?" Aria asks before she opens the door.


We stay calm before looking around the house.


We check literally everywhere in the house once more to make sure we weren't tripping but there was no sign of Alison anywhere. Aria soon begins to panic as do I before Spencer realizes something.

"I think I know where she is, come on!" Spencer says as we bolt out of Alison's house and into the car. We hurriedly make our way to where we think Alison might be at...

The Kissing Rock.

As soon as we get there, we found her sitting on the rock with the 'Ali' box Emily gave to her before she left. She was looking through the items in the box for the 'nth time, she's been looking through them for the past 6 months, they're the only things she's ever looked at since then.

"Alison, are you okay?" I ask her while stepping forward towards her slowly, Alison turns around with puffy eyes and tears streaming down her face. Spencer runs up and pulls her into a hug while Aria and I follow behind her.

"Ali, you have to move on. It's been 6 months, it's time to let Emily go." Spencer tries her best to be supportive. Alison swiftly yanks out of Spencer's embrace and stands up with a glare. 

"Do you know how many times I've tried?? I've been going through my mind of ways to let Emily go but I just can't...I won't." Alison practically screams at us. We pull her back into a hug as she sobs in our arms while holding the box close into her chest.

"You'll find a way." Spencer says as she strokes her hair, Alison sniffles while she pulls away.

"And what if I don't? What if I'm bound to stay like this forever?"

"We hate seeing you like this, Ali. God knows, Emily would too." Aria says as she looks over to Alison, who was shaking her head.

"She's gone, she's probably having the time of her life out in Texas right now." Alison says softly while sitting up. I shake my head at her response.

"Emily's most likely behaving just as you are, honestly. But you won't feel better if you stay acting like this..." I tell her firmly, gaining her attention. Alison looks at me with a harsh glare.

"How would you know, Hanna? You all have a boyfriends in perfect reach, you have no idea how I'm feeling." Alison snaps at us while we all give her a sad smile.

"No, we don't but we do know how much you and Emily love each other. Emily would want you to be happy." 

"How can I be happy if she's gone?" Alison sobs once again. I look over at Spencer, who was giving me a nod to push through.

"Your source of happiness should come from within yourself, not from another..." I let out while looking at Alison, who was beginning to calm down.

"...even if that person is Emily, you have to be happy for you."

"Yeah, and you always have us." Aria backs up while Alison finally nods in agreement.

"You guys are right. Thank you." Alison sniffles out before pulling us into another hug.

Once we part, we all help her up while she wipes away her tears and the dirt that covered her pants from sitting on the rock. I look over at the girls, all sharing the same knowing look before speaking up to Alison.

"Come on, we have a surprise for you." I tell Alison while escorting her towards the car. She gives all of us a confused look while kinking an eyebrow.

"What surprise?"

Alison's POV

I stare out the window once I get in and while we drive away from the rock, I listen in towards Hanna and Aria's poor attempt of a quiet conversation.

"Can we just tell her?" Aria whispers as if I couldn't hear them.

"It'll just ruin the surprise." Hanna whispers back dismissing Aria with her hand. I fully turn to face them.

"What surprise?" I try once again as I arch another eyebrow at them. Hanna shakes her head at Aria, who mouths an 'okay' back at her before looking back at me.

"It's a surprise for a reason." Hanna tells me, firmly with a smile. I let out a huff while I relax back into my seat and rolling my eyes in defeat. 

"Okay, fine don't tell me." I tell them as I sit forward and continue to look out the window.

We arrive at Spencer's house shortly and just as we were about to enter, the girls stop for a moment while exchanging looks. I look up at them with another confused expression on my face.

"What's wrong?" I ask, curious of why we stopped walking abruptly. The girls smile and share glances once more.

"We wanted to surprise you." Spencer says with a huge smile across her face. I was so confused at this point.

"Well what is it?" I ask as I arch my eyebrows at them again, getting tired of the prolonged surprise.

Instead of answering, the girls wrap one of Spencer's scarves around my eyes, navigates me inside and up the stairs to, I'm guessing, Spencer's room. Finally we come to a stop and I bring my hands up to the scarf but hands prevent me from doing so.

"What's going on?" I ask them with curiosity, they all giggle before pushing me forward.

"Okay, we'll be downstairs." Aria says while closing the door, I hear their giggles leaving the room as the door closes shut.

"Guys, what's going on?" I ask once more, growing frustrated from the lack of response, I reach around to take the scarf off until I feel hands take hold and unfolding it for me.

I blink my eyes to gain focus of my surroundings and I feel a presence from behind me, just then the figure walks around to face me. My mouth forms into a large smile once I see who the presence of the figure belonged to.

"Did you miss me?"

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