{38} Texas Or Vegas?

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Chapter 38:

Aria's POV

I let out another sigh, "She had to go back to Texas." I told Ali.

Ali stood up and walked around and shook her head "No that can't be possible. She came back...for good." Ali replied.

I shook my head "She only came back for you. And after what happened she thought maybe her presence would discomfort you." I confessed

"She left about 6 days ago. So almost a week ago." I told her, now waiting for her response.

Ali shook her head "No. No. Emily went back to Texas because of me? Is that why Spencer's mad at me?" She asked me.

I nodded. "She thinks you're with Maya. Is that true?" I questioned her.

Ali went silent for a moment, "Maya and I are complicated." Ali confessed.

I gave Ali a look "What do you mean complicated? You really pick Maya over Emily?" I asked her with a harsh tone.

Ali shook her head "I'm not picking anyone!" She replied back.

I stood up, shaking my head "Yeah but you need to." I told her as I made my way up the stairs, leaving Ali alone in the living room.

I entered Spencer's room where Spencer and Hanna were sitting on the bed, I let out a sigh as I entered the room.

"Okay I told her." I told them

"Who do you think she wants to be with?" Hanna asked us.

Spencer shrugged her shoulders "Emily is in fucking Texas because of her! I just hope she makes the right choice." Spencer told us.

I nodded "I hope so too."

Spencer's POV

"Is she still downstairs?" I asked Aria, she nodded, I stood up.

"Be easy on her, she's still in shock." Aria told me.

I agreed and made my way down the stairs where I spot Ali looking out the window calling someone.

"Hey Em, it's me again. Look I really need to talk to you, so can you please answer. Okay, Bye." I heard Ali say into the phone.

I cleared my throat when I reached the end of the stairs and Ali turned to face me, I sat down on the couch.

"Em's not picking up huh?" I said detecting the left voicemail.

Ali nodded "I don't think I've ever felt so guilty in my life." Ali replied.

I avoided eye contact before replying once again "Look don't get all pissed off or anything but are you falling for Maya?" I asked her as I continued to not make eye contact, Ali sighed.

"I don't know, possibly." She replied with.

I shook my head "Look all of us really want you and Em together but if you're really interested in Maya, like for real, I guess we can all handle that, only if she'll make you happy." I told her and she gave me a small smile.

"Thanks Spence, but I'm still working on my feelings." She told me.

I nodded "But I don't want you and Emily leaving your relationship where it's at, I know you miss her." I said, now making eye contact.

"You guys need to meet an understanding, so when we hangout it won't be that awkward as it is already.",

Ali smiled "I know."

I stood up and went into my kitchen "Okay then, what are you going to do?" I asked her while going through my refrigerator and taking out two sodas.

Ali joined me and I passed her one soda "I'm going to try to get her back to Rosewood, back home. I'm going to Texas to get her to come home." She said looking out the window and taking a drink from her soda.

I smiled "We'll try, we'll go with you." We both heard Hanna say from the staircase with Aria by her side.

I looked over at them and then back at Ali and nodded "We'll do it. Together." I said to Ali.

She smiled "Okay then, let's get to packing." Ali replied.

We all agreed and began discussing our new trip to Texas.

Alison's POV

"So it's settled? We leave in a week?" Spencer asked around, we all nodded.

I glanced over at Spencer and the others "Okay let's all get back home and start packing. How long will we be there for?" Aria asked.

"We'll try for a week, but 5 days at the least." Spencer explained as she confirmed hotel reservations.

I nodded as I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, just then my phone rang on the couch.

Spencer grabbed it and examined the name calling, "It's Maya." Spencer said and tossed the phone over at me, then focused her attention back to the laptop screen.

"I'll be right back." I said as I walked away from the girls and into the Hastings' nice and polished bathroom. I closed the door behind me and answered the call.


"It took you long enough."

I smiled at her wittiness.

"I called asking if you want to go on a little adventure with me?"

"What kind of adventure do you have at mind?" I questioned her.

"I'm talking about someplace we can talk and hang and get miserably but amazingly drunk. I'm talking about a little place called Vegas!"

I smiled "Oh my god! Yeah! Sure, When would we leave?" I asked her with excitement as well.

"I was thinking a week from now."

I almost dropped my phone when Maya told me when we'd leave. I went silent for a minute.

"Hey? You still there?"

"A week? We leave in a week?" I asked to make sure.

"Yes Ma'm! I've reserved everything!"

I gulped lightly, "Well I've made plans with the girls to go to Texas to visit Emily...next week. We decided we'd try to convince her to come back to Rosewood." I explained.

Maya's side went silent and I heard a light sigh gave out, "Maya? You understand right?" I asked her with concern.

"Well I'm not trying to be the bad guy over here but do you think that Emily wants to come back? I mean she probably left because she had a reason to. Why don't you let her be and try to move on?"

I gave out a frustrated sigh. "But I was the reason why she left, and I know I have to move on---"

"Then move on.....with me."

I hesitated "Maya...me and you...we're complicated. You know that." I told her, she sighed on her end.

"Yeah of course I know that, but I want to be with you, and you know that too...so just call me when you want to un-complicate things. Okay?"

I smiled "Yeah, okay." I said before hanging up. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the mirror in front of me and let out a deep breath, I looked at myself, thinking which plane I should board in a week.

I gave it some thought and before I could control my actions my hands began dialing the familiar numbers.

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