{2} Confused upon Love?

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Emily's POV

What the fuck.

Is she serious?

I mean I'm not complaining but...

...what. the. fuck. 

I am so confused. I mean if you think about it; Alison did just lose her mom so she's at her most vulnerable right now and kissing me was probably just to fill that void of sadness she's obviously experiencing. 

Honestly, there's more of the chance that she slipped and ran into my lips. 

I shake my head at the nonstop thoughts evading my mind but I still can't shake what just happened. Before Alison could question why I'm still on her front porch, I hurriedly turn on my heels, made my way to my car and soon on my way home. 

After what felt like hours of mindless daydreaming and driving, I finally reach my house. I unlock the front door as I walk in, eager to just lay in my bed and continue my dreams there. I shimmy myself out of my dress, wipe my face with an already used moist towelette, throw my hair into a messy bun and myself onto my bed, all with the constant thought; that damn kiss.

The next morning, I wake and instantaneously my mind diverts to the events of last night.

As if I wasn't dreaming about it all night long already.

I reluctantly get up to do my morning routine; a quick shower, the daily battle to find a cute fit, a touch of makeup, the controversial brushing of teeth before eating breakfast and my goodbye hug to my birth giver. Soon enough I found myself driving my way to school all within reasonable time to continue my thoughts before seeing Alison again. Once I pull in, I gather my things into my bag and make my way to the front of the school to wait for the other girls to show up. I instantly spot Alison through the crowd, her bright blue eyes matching her outfit and her signature smile that only I could spot miles away. 

Today, Rosewood High's Queen Bee returns back from the dead.

"Hey, Em." Alison smiles as she approaches me and nonchalantly tucks away a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, lingering a bit as she caresses my ear, delicately. 

"Hi, Ali." I respond back while biting on my lower lip, quite nervous under her gaze.

God, why does she still make me so nervous?

"So, listen I need to talk to you."

Oh no.

"About what?" I still question her even though I already had an idea of what it was about, I silently gulp to myself while preparing to hear her words.

But before Alison could speak another word, the rest of the girls came and interrupted us. I release a sigh of relief, I'm not sure if I could handle another rejection from her this early in the morning. As we gather all together, we briefly discuss about Mona, Paige and anything or anyone that could disrupt Ali's first day back. Once we finally conclude our conversation, I slowly branch out and rapidly walk inside before Alison could even think to grab me to talk about the kiss. With every step I took, I could hear Alison's voice getting closer and closer from behind but regardless, I persevered my path towards my locker and hopefully out of her sight.

Spencer's POV

Once Aria, Hanna, and I meet up with Alison and Emily in front of the school, I could definitely sense that something happened between the two. After we quickly discuss how school will be a bit more tedious because of Mona and Paige walking around halls with the amount of hatred they have for Alison, I assure everyone to stand clear of any disturbances and to contact each other if anything goes south. So with that taken care of, we all walk into school in agreement that we will avoid them throughout the day as best as we can. As we make our way inside, we eventually disperse into different directions, however, I notice Emily basically zooming to her locker with a screaming Alison hot on her tail. 

Hmm, okay weird.




"EMILY FIELDS!?" Alison screams out while Emily is seen basically sprinting to her locker.

Okay, not off on a good start.

I scan around to see, as expected, startled students glaring back at Ali. I was dying to run over to shut her up but luckily, Principal Hackett beats me to it by coming up to Alison, they quietly talk before walking over into his office. I roll my eyes out of annoyance at the students so they could go along with their day, especially since some were starting to complain about how no one wants to hear her screaming this early in the day. I shake my head at the prior events and comments before making my way over to Emily, who's aggressively shoving books into her locker. 

"Hey, Em. Stressed, are we?"

"What? No, not at all."

"No, no, there's something. What's wrong?" I question her while attempting to figure out the cause of Emily being weird on my own since she doesn't seem like she's going to budge. 

"Really, there's nothing wrong." Emily snaps back as she continues to grab and put away her items, now with even more aggression and annoyance.

"Okay, well did something happen between you and Alison?" I suspect while observing Emily's body language and timid behavior, she shakes her head at my question, not even maintaining eye contact with me. 

"Em, did Ali do something to you?" I continue to push on, this time I grab her wandering arm, trying to gain her attention and the truth.

Emily shakes her head once more and snatches her arm back before finally meeting my gaze, her eyes widen as if she was signaling me that someone was standing behind me. I cringe at the voice that soon speaks out, I reluctantly turn to face the direction of the well known voice.

"You know it's not nice to gossip, Spence. Especially if it's about me."

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