
834 29 1

Brad Smith

The school day was just coming to an end, but I was still hung up on lunch. I kept thinking about the fight Becky and Zoey had.

Here I thought Becky was this amazing, kind, smart and funny girl who always put others before herself — despite its only been a few weeks since we met — when she was really a cruel, rude and selfish bitch. She was exactly the kind of girl I didn't wanna be with; she was exactly like Hanna.

Ugh, Hanna. Just thinking about her makes me wanna cringe. Knowing how many guys she sleeps with and how she can never tie down a guy because all she does is hit it and quit it. Disgusting. I mean, Becky was no slut like Hanna, but their personalities had become exact, down to a t.

And then there was Zoey. To be treated like that by one of her best friends. All she was trying to do was ask when she would get her necklace back and Becky turned the conversation into something about herself; about her needing the necklace for another event. That was a selfish move. She didn't even apologize or ask if she could have it for a little bit longer, she just stated she would be keeping it for longer.

She is not the Becky that I met and came to like — emphasis on the 'came'. I couldn't like a girl who treated her friends like shit and pretended to be some angel in the clouds when she was really a devil walking on fire.

I was waiting by my locker — after getting everything I needed — for Zoey. I told her to meet me here so that I could drive her to my place where Zac and Blake would join us. It was supposed to be a guys night, but how could I say no to Zoey when she had no one to hang out with. Brendon would always be with Becky since they were buddy-buddy again. Ashley would probably be with Becky too. Knowing Becky, she'd make sure Ashley didn't hang out with Zoey or Ashley just wouldn't hang out with either of them because she didn't wanna get involved and start more drama. Either way, Zoey's closest were out of the picture. So I let her tag along.

After a few more minutes of waiting, she finally arrived, her medium-length, blonde hair flowing out of her head and just over her breasts. Her lightly sun-kissed skin matching perfectly. She had this model strut in her walk that made her hips pop out and for some reason, I liked it. Despite her being so casual with her black leggings and loose fitness shirt, I was enjoying what I was seeing. She was hot.

I didn't realize I was staring until she asked me, "What are you staring at?"

"Huh? Oh! Nothing! I guessed I must've zoned out." I said, hoping she would believe me.

She just laughed it off. Guess it worked.

"Anyways, you ready to go?" I asked her.

She nodded in reply and after that, we made our way outside the school to the parking lot, to my jet black old school mustang.

"Woah." Zoey said.

"She's a beauty ain't she?"

"She? You genderized your car?"

"Yeah, why not? This mustang's my baby."

"You're such a guy." Zoey said, rolling her eyes.

After that conversation died, we both got inside the car and pretty soon, we were on our way to my house.

We drove in silence for a bit and I decided to start up a conversation.

"This it totally random, but can I ask why you let me comfort you and stuff? I mean I didn't exactly give you the best first impression when I did what I did to Becky."

"At first, I wanted nothing to do with you, but when you stayed and were determined to comfort me, it showed a better side of you and I thought about giving you a second chance. It's not a lot to go off of, but before that, I thought you were just another cocky guy looking to get with any girl that wanted you and be done. I never thought you could be caring or sincere with others. No offense."

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