Twenty Four

465 17 0

Becky Adams

This wasn't how it was supposed to go...I was supposed to seduce and get him close enough to tear him down. I was never supposed to get involved with him like this...

"Becky?" Brendon asked, shocked and hurt.

I was speechless. I just cheated on Brendon like I thought he did all those years ago.

"Brendon can I talk to you?" I said, not wanting a giant crowd to hear what I could tell was gonna turn into a massive dispute.

"Guys can you give us a minute?" Brendon asked, respecting my decision.

"Get the hell off me Brad!" I shouted, pushing Brad off the bed in the process.

"What the hell?" Brad said.

"Get the fuck out!" Brendon yelled.

"Oh yeah? And if I don't?" Brad said, testing Brendon.

At that moment, Brendon was inches away from Brad, ready to knock him out. I hoped he would after everything Brad's done.

"You don't want to test me dude. I'll give you one damn chance to walk away clean from this..." Brendon said, threatening Brad.

"Whatever. At least I got a nice make out session with your girl..." Brad said, shoving past Brendon. He smirked the entire walk out and immediately, I felt sick to my stomach.

After everyone cleared out, Brendon closed the door and sat next to me on the bed. I felt so disgusted. I couldn't even look at Brendon because of what I had just done.

I sat on the corner of the bed with my legs pulled up to my chest, arms wrapped around them. I could feel tears streaming down my face and I always hated crying in front of other people, but they just wouldn't stop. I could feel Brendon's arm come around my shoulder. He was always so nice and caring towards others. It made me feel even shittier about myself. Brendon didn't deserve a girl like me.

"Brendon there's something I need to say and it won't be easy..." I said, dreading the words that were about to come out of my mouth.

"Becky don't okay? I understand the circumstances, and I know what I saw." Brendon said.

"That's just it you don't understand." I said, unfurling my legs and shifting my body slightly to face Brendon.

"Well then explain it to me. Explain to me how I'm being so understanding that I let you come in here with that douchebag, how I let you play seven minutes in heaven with him, how despite seeing him on top of you making out I'm letting you off with a damn clean slate!" Brendon said, raising his voice.

"Brendon that's just it! You don't deserve me after everything I've put you through!"

"But you haven't put me through anything! I will always be here for you, whatever you need you know that!"

I didn't know how else to let him go, so I had to lie. I cringed at the thought of what I was about to say.

"B-Brendon the truth is, I still have feelings for Brad. I was just using you to repress those feelings, but when he kissed me, all those feelings and memories flushed back into me and it was like all the bad stuff never happened. It was like you never happened. It was like he was mine and I was his..." God I hated lying. More tears started falling down my face and I just prayed Brendon wouldn't catch on.

"So you just played with my heart to mend yours?" Brendon asked, slowly falling for my lies. I felt horrible.

I couldn't even say anything, so I just looked away, hoping he would just leave. The longer the silence and his presence remained, the more tears fell down my face.

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