Twenty Two

505 17 0

Brad Smith

"-You and Becky can both just suck it! Clearly, neither of you wanted anything to do with me! And if it's not clear, we're done!" I said, finally storming out of her house.

I immediately got into my car, slamming the door behind me. I started my car and immediately drove off.

While at a red light, I texted Zac and Blake, telling them to meet me at my house in 20 minutes. They wanted to know more, but I just told them I'd explain in person.


"What's happened to me guys?" I said, depressed.

Zac and Blake had gotten here about 10 minutes ago and I had just finished explaining the whole situation with Zoey and Becky. After hearing the words come out of my mouth, I realized I sounded like one of those saps in the movies who just got out of a relationship. A few months ago, I wouldn't have reacted like this. I would've slept wit a girl and moved on. After Alexandria, dating was just too much. She was the one for me and I was the one for her. After she killed herself, I promised her and myself that I would never move on from her; that dating anyone else would've been like cheating.

"Dude, we all make mistakes." Zac said, giving me a hard slap on the back, followed by a slight rub. A normal bro thing to do.

"Yeah, but look how much I've changed. A few months ago, I would sleep with any girl that was interested and be done. I was the one night stand guy! I was all about hooking up not dating...Oh my God...I cheated on Alexandria." I said, freaking out now.

"No, you didn't. I know you loved her but that promise was bogus. Alexandria would want you to move on,and you finally did without thinking about her. That shows that she wanted you to move on." Blake said, trying to make me feel better.

"Guys...I told Zoey about Alexandria...I thought I could trust her but that day, she never liked me. That's when she was still on Becky's side." I said.

"Wait what do you mean on her side?" Blake asked.

"She actually started falling for me and wasn't gonna go through with the rest of the plan."

"So then why'd you end things? She was never gonna hurt you." Zac said.

"She lied to me! And I had to find out from Becky! Not from my girlfriend!" I said, furious now.

"Why'd you even go to see Becky?"

"To tell her how I feel...I kissed her guys."

"Did she kiss you back?" Blake asked.

"Of course...once a player, always a player." Zac said right after.

"She didn't. She pushed me away. I really hurt her guys."

"You know what? Screw chicks! Why don't you just find a girl to bang? I mean the fact that you kissed Becky when you were with Zoey proves you're still a player. I'm sure once you get back to your old ways, you'll be good." Zac suggested.

"Yeah? What about Hanna? You guys have hooked up before, why not go all the way with her?"


"Brad...what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Zoey?" Hanna said as I stood outside her front door.

"Can I come inside?" I said. She opened the door wider, allowing me to come in. She closed the door behind her.

"So what's going on?" Hanna asked while she walked me upstairs to her gigantic room. I forgot she was filthy rich and had these huge ass rooms.

"Zoey and I broke up...I-I found out she only started dating me because of this plan her and Becky have." I said, sitting down next to Hanna on her bed.

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