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Becky Adams

Brad and I stood before each other, in the centre of the room. All was quiet around us, it was like it was just me and him in the world; no one else to ruin the moment. I was staring into his big, brown eyes and I found myself getting lost in them.

"Is there something you wanted to tell me?" I asked.

"I don't know how to put this in a nice way, so I'm just gonna come out with it. I've been having an affair."

My smile dropped, and I couldn't even look at him. I turned away for a moment, shedding a tear and when I turned back around to face him, I immediately slapped him across the face.

"Get out." I let out as the tears began to consume me.

He simply walked away, his head ducked down in shame, leaving me to stand there alone.

"aaand scene!" Mrs. Reynolds called from the back of the room.

Brad came walking back to stand next to me so that we could receive our critique.

"Both of you excellent job! I could feel the emotion, the tension, the intensity. You both made me feel like I was witnessing an actual couple dealing with their drama; it felt so real and raw. A+ for both of you!" Mrs. Reynolds said with glee.

We both walked back to our seats to watch the rest of the pairs perform their improv scenes. Once the last pair had finished, Mrs. Reynolds wanted each of the pairs to write a short play on a topic of our choice. We had to consult the idea first before writing the script to make sure no one did the same idea, and then once the script was finished, we would have to perform a scene from the script. She had made this an ongoing assignment until the end of the semester. This project would have to be done on our own time, for she had other things planned as well.

Once she was finished talking, the bell rang, indicating it was the end of 1st period. Brad and I got up from our seats and as I headed out the door to go to my locker, I heard Brad call my name.

"Becky! Wait up!" he called from behind me.

I stopped where I was and waited for him to catch up. Once he did, we both walked to my locker.

I opened the locker to put away the papers and textbook Mrs. Reynolds had given us. While I did this, I noticed Brad staring at the photos.

"Wow, you look really different in these photos compared to you now." he said.

Over the summer, I had given myself a complete makeover. I don't know if it was to get over Brendon or just because I didn't feel like me anymore but I just knew that I needed to change for the better.

Before the makeover, I looked like your typical preppy girl in high school. I had the long blonde hair, the lightly tanned skin, and light pink makeup on my face. My wardrobe consisted of all things preppy. Pinks and whites, skirts and anything a typical teenage girl would wear.

Now I had bright red hair - still long of course - and have given up on tanning, so my skintone was just a bit lighter. I had gotten a few piercings as well. A studded nose piercing, a lip ring, double on both ears and a cartilage on my right ear, and belly ring. I got rid of all my old clothes, went on a shopping spree and had updated my look to something more indie/alternative. A lot of dark shades, band shirts; pretty much anything from hot topic, garage, forever 21 and zumiez. My makeup became very dark; I started using more mascara, liner and eyeshadow, always creating a smokey eye. My lips were always red but sometimes I felt like having them nude.

I had changed completely. No wonder Brendon didn't recognize me...

"Yeah I had a kind of epiphany over the summer; gave myself a makeover." I told him.

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