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Becky Adams

"I know it's short notice but I do not want this to affect my mark. Can I please partner up with Brendon Mrs. Reynolds?" I pleaded.

"Normally, I wouldn't allow it but since Brad was your partner and he is no longer with us and you are one of my prize students, I'll make an exception." Mrs. Reynolds said.

"Thank you so much!" I practically shouted as I took her in my arms, thanking her for her for doing this for me.

I walked over to Brendon and told him I got the approval. Now, we just had to come up with a new idea.

"Oh! I got it! What if we do this idea where this guy and this girl are dating and there's these weird kidnappings and murders and in the end the girl finds out her boyfriend was behind it all this entire time?" Brendon suggested.

"I love it!" I said in excitement.

Brendon and I started working on character analysis' when the bell went off at the end of 1st period.

"See you at lunch?" he asked.

I nodded my head in reply as I smiled before leaving for english.

When I walked into english, I saw Ashley talking with Zoey, who looked like shit. She had her blonde hair up in a messy bun and didn't even bother trying today. She was wearing roots sweats and a black t-crop with black Nike free runs on her feet. Okay, so she was trying a little bit; you could even see her silver belly button piercing on her tan stomach. Despite her reddish nose, her face was still gorgeous as fuck. I have never seen such long, voluminous, black eyelashes in my life. This mascara was working for her. It even brought out her blueish greenish eyes.

"Zoey! You're back! How are you feeling?" I said as I rushed towards her.

"I'm feeling a lot better actually. I went to my doctor and turns out it wasn't the stomach flu, just a regular flu. He said I'd be fine enough for school tomorrow — today — so here I am!" she said with a smile on her face.

"Just so you know, I've updated her on everything." Ashley butted in.

"Thank god! I was really not looking forward to telling you the whole story again." I said in relief.

Just then, Mr. Brinks walked in telling us to take our seats as class was starting. He told us he would be having a seminar on Macbeth today and at the end of the week, we would be having a quiz on the first two acts of the play.

For the rest of the class, I simply took notes on the key information; stuff that I thought would be important to know for the quiz especially.

At the end of the seminar, Mr. Brinks said, "For those of you who were not listening or did not take notes or missed something, I will be posting the power point online." Then the bell rang and everyone practically jumped out of their seats for lunch.

Before heading to the caf, Ashley, Zoey and I went the washroom to make sure we look held together, especially Zoey.

Ashley handled Zoey while I fixed myself up. I left my red hair down and could feel it reach the end of my back through my backless black shirt. On the front was a painted white skull and crossbones that I added myself to give it a 'Becky Touch'. With the shirt, I wore my black leather mini skirt and like always, my black Chuck's.

After making sure my outfit was okay, I decided to touch up my makeup. I only had time to apply powder and mascara but I had yet to apply my liner and lipstick, so that's what I did. I carefully moved the thin black brush across my eyelid as I created a wing style at the ends. I did the same for my other eye and then quickly applied some ruby red lipstick to my lips. Once I finished, I asked Ashley and Zoey if they were done and then we finally headed to the caf to eat.

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