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Brad Smith

"So how 'bout after my football practice and your cheer practice, I take you out to dinner?" I asked Zoey, holding her hand in mine as we made our way to the turf for practice. The cheerleaders always practiced outside with the football team because they cheered on the turf for games anyways; might as well practice where you play right?

"After we're all tired and sweaty?" Zoey said, sounding reluctant.

"Come on! At least let me take you somewhere after school?" I pleaded.

"Can we just go to your house, order in and watch netflix? We could curl up on your bed, maybe make out a little..."

The more she told me we could do, the more I was willing to go with her plans.

"Shower?" I suggested.

"Too far horny boy." she said, patting my chest a few times before laughing.

I laughed with her. I couldn't help it. I was just so into her. She's changed me big time. Before, if a girl turned down my sexual offers, I'd just find a girl who was down and hook up, but I didn't want to do that anymore. I just wanted to be with her; to make her happy.

What the hell was happening to me? Was I actually turning into boyfriend material?

"Hello? Brad, did you hear me?" Zoey said, pulling me out of my thoughts.


"I said what do you think I should buy for Hanna's birthday next week?"

"Oh, um..she loves jewelry, cheerleading, makeup,-"

"-That's it! I'll get her the new makeup palette from Sephora! I know she's wanted it for a while now. You're the best Brad!" Zoey said excitedly, giving me a peck on the lips.

We both stopped, facing each other, when we arrived at the turf.

"So your house after school?" she asked, stroking my hand with her thumb.

"Yeah." I said giving her a quick peck on the lips before pulling away to go to football practice.


After what felt like hours of running drills, practice was finally over. It was an amazing practice because whenever we took breaks or nothing was happening in between drills, I got to watch my girlfriend practice her cheer routines and stunts. And might I say, she was turning me on every time I watched. She was just downright gorgeous, and she had and amazing personality too. She was such a good listener, and she was caring, smart, funny, always took in interest in my life as I did with her.

I headed to my locker to grab some stuff and put things away before I grabbed my car and drove Zoey and I to my house.

I texted Zoey to meet me at the front of the school when she was done and by the time I got my stuff and got the car, she was still practicing. I could see the turf from here.

I decided to play a little music while I took a nap in my car. I left the doors unlocked so that if I was still sleeping when Zoey came by, she could just drop her stuff in the back and get in.


"Brad wake up!" I heard Zoey shout.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Zoey sitting in the passenger seat next to me, her skin glowing from the cheer practice. Her blonde hair was tied up nice and high into a ponytail, but a few strands here and there had fallen out. When I looked at the rest of her, she was wearing a black training bra and matching spandex. I guess that's what they had to wear during practice, but I wasn't complaining.

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