Thirty Two

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Zoey Christian

I hated the position I had put myself in. Life was going so great despite everything that was happening to Becky. I was still her best friend then. But things changed. I thought befriending Hanna was the right choice but with what she had in mind, I was starting to regret all my decisions.

I couldn't face Becky and Ashley in class today, knowing I shared almost every class with them. Besides, I had finished all my assignments early so going to class wasn't really a priority for me.

I sat at a table in one of the study hall rooms just surfing through my laptop. I really should've been using the time to make notes for my finals, but I couldn't focus on school. Just then, Hanna walked in, all perky and filled with joy in her cute little Westview High cheer uniform.

"Hey Zoey." she said happily as she plopped down in a chair next to me.

"Hey yourself."

"So guess who's amazing?" she asked clearly talking about herself.



"Is this the part where you explain why?" I asked, wondering what this amazing thing was exactly.

"Oh! Right!" Hanna said suddenly as if she forgot why she was here. Typical Hanna.

"I got Becky to come to my end of the semester party!" Hanna said, sounding super excited while flashing an evil-ish grin at the same time.

"But you tried that already and it didn't work because Becky and Brendon are still together and over what happened with Brad. And it made Becky and Brad grow even further apart."

"Ugh, do you always rain on people's parades like this?" she asked, annoyed with me.

"Well I'm just being honest. I mean, why repeat history?"

"Well we won't be repeating history this time. Not exactly anyways."

I knew what Hanna had in mind, but she was still leaving me in the dark. I wasn't sure whether it was because she wanted it to be a surprise until the last minute, or she didn't fully trust me and thinks I'll betray her. Either way, I didn't like it. It only meant that what she planned to do was utterly dark and could ruin lives.

"So what'll make this time different?" I asked nonchalantly as I swiped through photos on my phone. I was hoping by acting casual and not paying complete attention she would treat this conversation like any other and spill her guts.

"Nice try Zoey. You'll know soon enough what the plan is. Just not yet. It's still too early in the planning phase to reveal all. Once everything's finalized in stone I'll be sure to tell you everything." she said in an all too familiar mischievous tone. 

Even though she was planning on telling me the plan, it still left a gut-wrenching feeling in my stomach that I didn't like. I just hope whatever the plan is, it isn't as bad as I think it'll be.

"So, with that said, I'll need you to run some errands for me. Just like some shopping stuff after school?" she added after my duly-noted silence.

"We have practice after school..." I reminded her.

"I  have practice after school. You don't. These errands are important and I need them done ASAP if this party's happening." she demanded.

"But the pep rally's in two days and regionals is next week!" I said. 

I had only recently joined the cheer squad when one of the girls dropped out because she was moving. Hanna had personally chosen me as the replacement for two reasons:

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