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Becky Adams

I heard a faint noise of 5 Seconds of Summer's 'Good Girls' playing. As the sound got louder, I realized it was my alarm telling me to wake up for school — the first day of school. Freshman and sophomore years were a breeze. I aced all my classes and didn't have to deal with any drama like the rest because no one knew I existed; I was that girl. The girl who probably had loads of talent but no one would ever find out because they didn't bother to find out.

The two people who knew I existed — whom I could trust and everything — were my best friends Ashley Roberts and Zoey Christian. We had known each other since kindergarten and have been inseparable since.

I turned off my alarm as I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. When I got back to my room, I made my bed and started to get ready for school. I put on a pair of light wash high waisted shorts as I tucked my white tank top inside my pants. I threw on a red flannel shirt and grabbed my favourite pair of Chuck Taylor's as I grabbed my stuff and went to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. I looked at my phone to check the time. The screen read 7:45. I still had plenty of time but I decided to head out anyways.

I got in my car and turned on the engine as I turned the keys to ignition. I pulled out of my driveway and started driving to school. I got to school 10 minutes later and parked the car in the parking lot. With all the spare time I had, I thought I'd play some music while I did my mascara. If there was one thing that always put me in a good mood, it was music.

After a few minutes, I finished applying my mascara and I grabbed my stuff, got out of my car, closed the door, and walked to the front entrance. Another day in this hellhole they call high school; at Westview High.

I entered the school and headed straight to my locker, which was by the drama department AKA my favourite department in the whole school. Yes, I'm a drama nerd. I live for acting and singing and just being myself. It was the one place and time where I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to, and no one would judge me because it's drama.

Anyways, I got to my locker, the same one as last year, and started putting everything inside it. I started taking pictures out of my bag to tape onto the inside of the door. When I got to the last picture, I stopped for a moment to look at it. It was a group photo with me, Ashley, Zoey and Brendon Parker, my ex-boyfriend. We were all so happy back then. Especially Brendon and I.

We had started dating back in freshman year and everybody shipped us, they were rooting for us. We had a really close relationship. We could tell each other anything and I let him be my first. Even though it was special then, I wish it wasn't him because of what a jerk he ended up being in the end. When sophomore year neared the end, we were supposed to go out on a special dinner date for my birthday, but he flopped on me to hang out with a bunch of girls and guys from school. He claimed he 'forgot' but I knew he was really playing tonsil hockey with the school slut, Hanna Thompson. How I knew was one of my guy friends was at that hangout and told me what Brendon had been doing. After that, I swore on my life that I would never speak to him again. Thank god he decided to go to Europe for the summer too; it made getting over him easier.

I decided to hang up the picture anyways because Ashley and Zoey were still my friends and the three of us were so happy in that picture. I wasn't gonna let some stupid guy ruin that.

I closed my locker door, put the lock on it and headed towards the cafeteria to meet up with Ashley and Zoey; I was dead excited to see my girls again.

Once I got there, I saw them sitting at our table from last year, talking. The minute all our eyes locked on each other, we all shot up and ran towards each other screaming, arms open for a group hug.

"AHHH! Hey!!!! It's so nice to see you guys again!" I said excitedly.

"WE ARE TOO!" Ashley and Zoey said in unison.

We pulled away from each other and sat down at our table.

"How have you guys been? I heard you both went to California for the summer! How was that? I so wish I could've come with!" I said.

"It was amazing!" Ashley said.

"The boys were amazing!" Zoey said.

Of course. They go to Florida to have fun and travel around and Zoey's still hyping about boys. She hasn't changed a bit. I was glad though.

We ended up spending the rest of the time talking about what we did over the summer and then we exchanged time tables to see if we had any classes together; we had every single class, including homeroom, together. Just when we started talking about potential boyfriends in the school, the music came on, indicating it was time to go to homeroom.

We all walked in the halls together as Do I Wanna Know by The Arctic Monkeys played in the background.

When we arrived, we all took seats at the back of the classroom, waiting for everyone else to come, and then, he walked in.

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