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Brad Smith

"Dude! What's going on with you?" Blake asked.

After school, we had gone over to my house for video games and pizza. You know, guy stuff, but I just couldn't stop thinking about Becky. After finding out she liked me and was never leading me on, I felt horrible about what I did to her and I only liked her more.

I wanted her back. Well, back to liking me since we never dated in the first place. But that would be hard considering she hated my guts.

"Hello?? Earth to Brad??" Zac said, trying to get my attention.

I finally snapped back to reality, shaking my head before saying, "Huh? Oh! Nothing's wrong, I'm fine guys."

"Clearly not because we've been trying to get your attention for like 5 minutes now, meanwhile you've been living in la-la land." Blake said.

"It's Becky man. I screwed things up with her." I finally said after a moment of silence.

"Screwed up how?" Zac asked.

"See what happened was I thought she was leading me on with her ex; I thought they made up and she wanted to be with him again after flirting with me and shit, but I was wrong. I mean, they did make up, but they're just friends. And stupid me wanted to get revenge so I left a note in her locker saying I was done with her and I was dropping drama so I wouldn't have to work with her. Then we ran into each other and we had this massive fight and that's when I found out the truth."

"How'd all this happen man?" Zac asked.

I paused for a moment to think how it all actually happened. And then it hit me. "It was Hanna. She told me they were getting back together. She tried to get with me to make Becky jealous. This is all because of her."

I paused again before saying, "And I was stupid enough to listen." I said as I planted my face into my hands.

"The solution is simple Brad. You just need to hook up with a girl to forget about both Hanna and Becky." Blake said.

"Dude! Were you not listening? He fully said he wants her to like him again." Zac said to Blake.

I had to do something to get me out of this funk and win Becky's heart. But what could I do? She always ducked me in the halls and after our little confrontation, she hates me more than she did before. Whatever I ended up doing, it had to be good.

I thought to stop by Hanna's house first to have a little 'chat' with her. I couldn't do anything else until I had my closure with Hanna. So I jumped up from the couch, grabbed my car keys and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Blake asked.

"Making a quick stop by Hanna's." I said.

"Don't do anything you'll regret!" Zac said before going back to playing video games. Right after that, I shut the door behind me as I walked towards my red Ferrari, parked next to the curb of my house. Sometimes, I loved being born into a rich family.

I hopped in, turned on the engine and immediately took off towards Hanna's.

As I drove, I turned on the car's stereo and plugged my iPhone 5s into it to play my own music; radio music sucked ass. I tapped on 'Surprise Surprise' by Billy Talent and blasted the volume.

A few minutes later, I had arrived and I turned off the stereo before turning off the engine and stepping out of the car. I took a few steps towards her house before locking my car behind me and soon enough, I was face to face with her door. I rung the doorbell and then knocked twice. I don't know why I did that. I guess I made a habit of it when I was a kid because I'd ring people's doorbells, but they would never answer right away, so I'd knock just in case they didn't hear the doorbell go off.

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