Twenty One

468 14 1

Becky Adams

Where did the time go? It felt like just yesterday was the first day of junior year, and here I sat in my room, studying for mid-terms.

Brendon and I had already presented our drama final and we got an A. We ended up going with the story of the whole her boyfriend was the killer all along thing.

With that out of the way, I only had 3 exams to study for: english, psychology, and biology.

Thank god for living In California, where even in January, the weather is still fab.

So much had happened these past few months.

Brendon came back.

I met Brad.

My psycho dad came back.

Brad and I dropped each other.

I was losing one of my best friends.

I got back together with Brendon.

To think, I thought for once, I'd have a drama-free year where I could just focus on academics and sports.

The field hockey season flew by too.

We didn't win the championship, but we can call ourselves finalists.

Still, what a year so far.

I was supposed to be meeting Brendon in a few minutes to study for the english exam.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

It can't be Brendon...I thought.

He knows he's meeting me at Starbucks.

I quickly ran down the stairs and headed for the front door.

When I opened it, I could not believe who I was face to face with.

"Brad. What the hell are you doing here?" I said, ready to slam the door in his face.

"Can I come inside?"

"And why would I let you do that?

"I really need to talk to you."

I really should've just slammed the door in his face, but something was telling me not to. Something was telling me to hear him out, so I did. I opened the door wider and stepped aside, motioning for him to come inside. When he finally came in, I closed the door behind me and headed to the kitchen.

" you want something to eat or drink?" I offered.

"No thank."

I turned on the stove and started boiling some water to make tea. I turned around to face him.

"Alright. Speak."

"I don't really know where to start so I'm just gonna say it. I like you Becky. I always have."

"Brad I-"

"No. I'm not done. I should have never cut you off how I did and wrote that stupid letter instead of confronting you."

"We've had this conversation before Brad." I told him, not wanting to hear anymore.

"I-I know, but I need to tell you this. I should have never done those things. I should've just listened to you and given you another chance. I should've fought harder for you. I should've never gotten involved with Zoey because it's only gonna hurt her more when I end things."

"End things? What are you talking about? You're not think-"

"-I wanna be with you Becky. It's always been you." he said, taking a few steps towards me. I had nowhere else to go, the stove and island were blocking me from getting away. Suddenly, I felt Brad's lips on mine and once my body was conscious of what was happening, I immediately pushed him away.

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