
771 32 2

Becky Adams

"So, how's the plan going?" I eagerly asked Zoey, dying to know what happened last night. The plan was to go out with Brad and begin to seduce him; to leave him wanting more.

"Ugh! Gag me with a stick!" Zoey exclaimed.

"Was it that bad?" Ashley asked.

"Oh, he's definitely into me, that part wasn't hard. The hard part is putting on this facade that I'm actually into him!"

"What exactly went on last night?" Ashley asked, eager to find out.

"Well, last night we almost kissed, but Blake and Zac interrupted us, so we just watched movies, ate food and all just had a good time. But then, we all passed out and because he wanted to be considerate of me, he carried me to his bed and then slept next to me. He didn't do anything, thank god. Then, when I woke up, he was semi-nude in his boxers and after quickly putting on his sweatpants, he crawled into bed with me. Then we kissed and he ended up on top of me wanting to go further, but I stopped him. I just wasn't ready to take it that far." Zoey said, finishing her story.

"And you're not gonna take it that far Zo. Remember, he's a player. Once he's gotten what he desired, he's gonna leave you for the next slut — no offense — that comes around. You have to tease him, seduce him and make him want more; you want him to want what he can't have. The more you do that, the more he'll desire you." I told Zoey.

"Right." Zoey responded.

Just when we were all about to head upstairs to my room to do some homework and hang out, Zoey got a text. It was from Brad. He was already dying to see her again so he asked her if she wanted to go out with him. She was a bit hesitant at first, but I told her to go. He needed to fall for her if our plan was gonna work 100%.

Once she was gone, it was just Ashley and me, until her mom called asking to come home immediately to get ready for whatever family get-together they had. Ashley asked me if I wanted her to cancel but I told her I'd be fine by myself and that she should stick to her family commitment. She was still hesitant so I had to practically shove her out my door. The minute I close the door on her, I rushed up to my room, opened up my macbook and just started tumblr-ing while blasting music, on my headphones of course; my mom was probably still sleeping.

A few minutes later, my phone started vibrating and when I picked it up, I saw that Brendon was calling me, so I paused my music and answered.

"Hey goof." I said with a smile on my face, as I laid on my side on my bed.

"Ha ha. Very funny." he said sarcastically.

"What do you want?" I asked with a giggle in my speech.

"Are you doing anything right now?"

"Just listening to music and scrolling through tumblr." 

"You wanna not do that and join me for coffee?"

"Sure. Sounds better and more entertaining than what I'm doing now anyways."

I immediately hung up the phone and threw it back onto my bed as I got up to get ready. Of course, no prep session was a prep session without prep music, so I unplugged my headphones from my laptop and cranked the tunes. I decided to go with my 5SOS playlist since I was in the 'rock out' mood.

Once the music was going, I stripped out of my pajamas, revealing my pink bra and black lace boy shorts. I stared at myself in the full body mirror for a second; staring my lean body, my thin yet curvy figure; my boobs. I lifted my hands up and slowly placed them on my boobs, squeezing and unsqueezing them.

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