Twenty Seven

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"What happened?" Ashley whispered while Mr. Huntington sat at his desk typing away.

"The asshole actually tried to charm me to get in my pants, thinking if I slept with him it'd make everything better and I'd become his fuck buddy or something." I explained.

"Ew, what a pig."

"I know. I just want to forget about all this drama and focus on this psych paper." I said, focusing back to my laptop.

The rest of class was pretty boring. I worked on my paper the entire time and ended up getting a lot done. I got through the introduction and most of the body of work. Ashley just kind of sat next to me going through her tumblr since she had finished. I mean, she still needed peer editing and re-typing to do, but the first draft was finished so she had less work than me. She was already getting it peer edited too. Here and there, she'd help me with my paper if I ever got stuck, but for the most part, it went well.

Just then, the lunch bell rang in which I let out a sigh of relief. I was starting to get overwhelmed so I needed a break.

Ashley and I got up from our desks as we started to pack up. Once we had everything organized, we said bye to Mr. Huntington and went out the door.

"After everything that's happened, he just can't quit..." Ashley said as we walked to our lockers to put our textbooks away.

"Yeah, I just want to forget about all of this." I said, hinting that I didn't want to talk about any of the drama anymore. I figured if I ignored it or didn't acknowledge it, it would slowly go away.

"Omg! We should totally have a girls night tonight! Just you and me in jammies with junk food and movies!" Ashley suddenly squealed.

"Yeah! Just what we need to get all of this drama out of our lives!" I said, loving the idea.

"Should we invite Zoey?" she asked.

"I want to, but she's hanging out with Hanna now and she hates us. Also, our friendship isn't on the best of terms right now. At least, it's not where it used to be when we were all inseparable." I said.

As much as I hated to admit it, it was true. I mean, I still loved Zoey, but if she made friends with Hanna, who knows what could happen if we started telling her everything? Yes, it's possible that she could just be looking for a new friendship since ours is on the rocks, but she may be plotting. It's not Zoey that I don't trust, it's Hanna.

"Yeah, you're right." Ashley said.

"But maybe we can find out exactly what they talk about." Ashley said with this weird evil smirk on her face.

"Should I trust you? Because it seems like you're the one plotting." I said, a little scared.

"Relax. I'm not gonna destroy anyone's life or anything crazy like that." she said, ensuring to me that everything was fine.

"So then what's this mysterious plan?" I asked, curious.

"I can't tell you here. Let's go to the empty washroom." she said.

"What if people think we're hooking up?" I asked.

"Who cares? Besides everyone knows I'm dating Zac and you're dating Brendon. We're like the most popular girls in school now. Well, after Hanna of course." Ashley said.

Until Ashley had said it, I hadn't realized just how much attention we were really getting. All of my other years in high school the only people that knew me were Ashley, Zoey, Brendon and Hanna; but Hanna paid no mind to me. Ever since all this crap with Brad started, I was becoming more and more popular whether it was good or bad. I kind of liked being known, but at the same time I didn't because if anything happened, everyone would suddenly find out. Too late I guess.

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