
707 23 4

Becky Adams

Monday morning could not have come any slower. Ever since the Saturday Brendon and passionately kissed and he asked me to be his girlfriend again, I've been waiting until I could see him in person to tell him my answer. I don't know if my decision was the right one, but I didn't card anymore. I was just gonna take a risk for once and do something that would make me happy.

I got up and out of bed to do my usual morning routine. After I finished making my bed, it was time to actually get ready. I decided to wear my white cami shirt with navy blue sweats, a dark jean jacket and white converse. As for my fair, I had no idea what to do. All I knew was I had to do something with it because the 'morning bedhead' look was not a nice one on me.

After what seemed like hours of contemplation, I decided to quickly straighten my hair so that it was pin straight, before putting it up into a high ponytail. I looked at myself in the mirror giving myself a smile. I stared at myself for a bit, staring at the piercings on my ears.

"Cute." I said to myself as I walked back to the bathroom to do my makeup.

Whenever it came to makeup, it was always heavy on the eyes for me. Eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, the works. It always brought out the darkness in my eyes; made them pop. That's all the makeup that I did for today because I wanted my eyes to be all people would notice. Plus, when you go heavy on the eyes, adding makeup anywhere else is just trashy.

I walked out of the bathroom and started getting all my things together, when my phone started going off. I walked over to my bed to see who it was. It was Ashley.

"Hey Ash, what's up?" I said, picking up the phone.

"Hey, is it ok if you come pick me up?"

"Yeah, no problem. I'll be there in 5." I said before hanging up. I guess telling Brendon was gonna have to wait a little bit longer.


Ashley and I were sitting on the floor by my locker, waiting for the music to come on, waiting for the bell to ring, waiting for Zoey to sit with us. She was already a few minutes late. I had no idea as to what was going on, I mean, it's not like Zoey to be late or ditch us for someone else.

"Someone else, of course!" I shouted out loud. Ashley just stared at me weirdly, wondering why on earth I was talking to myself. I told her how I realized if she's not here with us, she must already be with Brad.

"But didn't we tell her at lunch?" Ashley said.

"Who cares. As long as she tells him yes and gets close to him." I told her. Just then, I saw Brendon and I froze. I had no idea what I was gonna say to him. I knew I wanted to say yes, but I was afraid of what would come in the future. I was worried that I'd become tongue twisted and he'd just think there's something wrong with me.

"Hey, there's Brendon. Go tell him!" Ashley urged in a whisper. Hearing Ashley say that gave me confidence and suddenly I felt a lot better about the situation.

I saw him stop at his locker and open it up to get his books for 1st period. I don't know why, because he had drama with me 1st period.

I shot up from the floor, and started marching my way to him. I still wasn't sure as to how I would tell him and then it hit me. I knew exactly how to tell him yes.

Once I got to his locker, I slammed it shut in front of him, grabbed his face and pulled it towards mine, planting my lips onto his. When he finally kissed me back and held me in his arms, we turned the kiss into something passionate and intimate. Whenever he kissed me like this, it was like nothing else in the world mattered; it was just me and him, together. We pulled apart a few seconds later and when our eyes met, I gave him the happiest smile I've ever given and said,"Yes."

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