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Becky Adams

"I don't know what's going on with her. She's been spending all her time with Brad and none with us." I told Ashley, worried about Zoey's whereabouts. She was supposed to meet us at the diner for lunch where no one else from our school went; the only place we could hang out without ruining the plan. I told her to meet us at here at 12:30 and an hour had gone by with her not showing up.

"I'm sure she was with Brad and lost track of time. Who knows what things she's planting into his head." Ashley said, jokingly.

"I dunno Ash. I feel like the more time she's been spending with him, the more she's actually falling for him. And she can't be spending all her time with him. When was the last time she even hung out with us? Her best friends? Something's up Ashley, I'm telling you."

"You worry too much Becky. Just let Zoey do her thing and when she's ready to come to us and continue with the plan, we'll know." Ashley said, trying to reassure me.

When I looked at the clock on the wall, it read 1:40 and I assumed Zoey wasn't gonna show up, so Ashley and I went ahead and ordered lunch. Just then, the bell went off and when the doors opened, I swiftly turned my head around, flipping my red hair in the process, hoping Zoey had decided to show, but it was only Brendon. I tried to give him a greeting-like smile, but knew I failed when he gave me a look wondering what was wrong.

"What's wrong? Where's Zoey?" he asked, sitting down next to me, putting his arm around me.

"It's Zoey. Something's not right. I mean, she never hangs out with us anymore, not even in private where no one from school can see us. She's always with Brad, but when she's not, I don't know what she does. I mean, she's supposed to tell us all the details with Brad. She's supposed to let us know how the plan's going and she hasn't. I'm worried something went wrong." I told him.

"Are you sure this is about Zoey not following the plan?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah...what else would it be about?"

"Maybe the fact that Zoey's spending all this time with a guy you used to like; a guy who hurt you. I mean, the way you talk about the situation just makes you sound jealous."

"Well you're wrong!" I said defensively. But then I actually thought about it, and was starting to think that Brendon might be right. Maybe I still had feelings for Brad and seeing my best friend spend all her time with him just made me angry and paranoid.

"I think you're right.." I said sighing.

Just then, Zoey walked in. When she saw us, she flashed us all smiles and eventually sat down next to Ashley.

"Hey guys!" she said, sounding a little too happy.

"Where have you been?" Ashley asked.

"I was with Brad. We were playing video games and I lost track of time." she said using the same tone as when she greeted us. Something was definitely up. She was trying to hide something by acting super happy. I wasn't gonna push it though because if she was hiding something, there's no way she'd tell us.

"You've been spending a lot of time with Brad Zoey. We never see you anymore." Ashley said, sounding a little worried.

"Well, he is my boyfriend remember? I kind of need to spend time with him."

"You know the relationship's not real right? You're only dating him so you can get close to Blake to break his heart; the way he break's girls' hearts." Brendon told her, reminding her of the plan.

"Oh! Yeah, I know but I have to act like I'm still completely interested in him right? How would that work if I started to distance myself and hang out with Blake all of a sudden?"

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