Thirty Eight

425 15 0

Becky Adams

I had managed to answer every single question on the exam.....except this ONE question that was just bothering me. In my head, I knew it was a trick question and the answer was obvious, but at the same time, it seemed like something was missing from the question to make it less obvious.

I looked away from the paper for a second to check the time and I only had 5 minutes left to answer. I had already double checked the rest of the questions, but I had no idea how to answer this one question. And then it hit me. I knew the answer all along, it just took me a while to realize it.

I quickly wrote down my thoughts onto the piece of paper that had yet to be filled in and as soon as I dropped my pencil after dotting the last "I", the exam was over.

As I sat there in my seat, I took in a deep breath and let out a big sigh of relief. Exams were over, the stress was over, I could finally relax. Once all the exam papers were collected, everyone was free to leave, and I was one of the first ones out of there.

As soon as I got out into the halls, everyone was throwing papers, jumping up and down, and cheering their hearts out. Exam season was finally over and everyone could relax. Well, we still have second semester to deal with, but this semester was over and we have a week off before the new semester would begin.

It became chaotic within seconds. I found myself struggling to walk down the halls, shoving past people left and right. As I looked ahead, I could see Brendon and when his eyes met mine, we both just started smiling. I don't know if it was because we were happy to see each other, or if we were happy exams were over, but we were just happy.

What felt like hours passing by, Brendon and I finally were face to face with each other and we immediately pulled each other into a warm embrace. He lifted me off the ground and for just a second, it felt like we were the only two people on earth.

"We're finally done Becks." he said after putting me down.

"I know, I can't believe it!" I said in excitement.

"What are we gonna do with our free time?"

"I mean....we could go over to my car for a bit..." I said to him, leaning in just slightly to tease him a little bit.

He kissed me so softly for just a second before pulling away. He was good at playing the teasing game too.

"I actually have to run, stuff with the rents. But I'll catch you at Hanna's party tonight right?" he said, slowly backing away.

"Yeah for sure!" I said unconsciously. And as soon as he was out of my sight, that gut-wrenching feeling was back. I still had to tell him the news.


I had connected my phone to my dock to blast music throughout my room as I started getting ready for Hanna's party tonight.

"I still don't know why we agreed to this." I revealed.

"Come on Becky, forget who's party it is for one second! Exams are over and we NEED to celebrate it. What better way than a high school party at a house on the lake?" Ashley said, trying to convince me for the hundredth time that going to this party was a good thing.

"I guess you're right..." I hesitantly admitted.

"Of course I'm right! I always am."

I just rolled my eyes before focusing on getting ready for the party. In my head, I knew it was a bad idea to go, but everyone else was so excited and I didn't wanna be the party pooper of the bunch. Besides, the semester was over and even I deserve a little celebration -- even if it meant going to my arch nemesis' party.

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