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Everyone could hear her screams from even before the got near the door. They could only wonder what was happening. The more experienced heroes were ready to break down the door to rescue the poor girl but the newer, modern heroes, well, they were afraid. Afraid of the world they have yet to see. The darkness of the human mind, an evil born from one of their own. 

They were told not to make assumptions of who the villain is because there's no real proof but, but, but, in the back of their mind, everyone already knew who it is. They finally caught on to the façade of a missing memory, a fictional echo of another person. Not only that, they were afraid that the person in that room was the boy that they had shared victories with, shared their lunch with, shared laughs with, and to one man, shared a home with. 

Kataron, he was the most afraid. Not only was his daughter missing but also, his son. Every parent fear the sudden change in their children, that abrupt growth from child to adult. It's an inevitable change so he had assumed that his son, these abrupt changes in his personality was his way of growing up. he would have never thought that his precious son would hurt his sister. He never thought that it would come to this. 

He prays day and night that it's not true. He desperately holds on to that slimmer of hope that it's not his son but deep down, he knows, that what he fears the most has come true. 

Some pity him, some people shame him, some people question him but he hold fast to the faith he has on a higher power that no, there is a reason, that there is a reason to all of this because the son he raise, the cute little boy that used to mimic his power poses, the little boy that smiles with button like dimples on his cheeks, the cute little boy that doted on his little sister, it just doesn't make sense. He just wants answers. 

So, when the pro heroes opened that door, when the stench of blood engulfed their senses, it felt like the whole world fell onto his shoulders. 

Heroes rush at him like seagulls to a single chip. They bound him tightly all the while the villain laughed. Their eyes met. 

" Katoron. How nice of you to finally join us. Do you like what I've done to your daughter? Isn't she all the more beautiful now?" The boy cackles in laughter and the father, he seethed in rage. The flames that once remained concealed flared out, melting anything near by. 

"Oh.. Oh.. What should I say. What would that coward say? Don't let them take me daddy. oh please help me, I didn't mean it. Things just got out of hand. you understand right daddy?" The hero couldn't bare to even look in the direction of his mangled daughter. 

" She is not a coward. You, you're simply a monster. " He spoke slowly, trying to maintain his composure. 

" You think I mean your daughter? No no. I meant your son. I must be a damn good actor if you still think that I'm your son after all this. I killed your son years ago old man. It's a shame you didn't notice until now. His corpse is probably decomposed by now in the woods somewhere."  The boy laughs and laughs and laughs until the whole room is full of his laughter. The young heroes who had unfortunately been assigned to this mission, some of them run out and could be heard coughing and heaving for air. 

" Take off his face. Let me see what you really look like so that I can burn it into my memory." Katoron demands this as he steps closer. Other heroes step back in fear of a father's wrath. The boy grins and bow. 

"For you anything, father. " and his skin is melted away leaving behind the face of a criminal that will remain the mind of Katoron for the rest of his life. 

" How do I look father? Do you still love me?" The jokes but Katoron grabs him by the collar holding him up inches off the ground. 

In all honestly, this boy wasn't pretty. Scars covered his face from his nose down to his chin and his hair only grew in patches atop his head. The most prominent of his looks were his eyes. His eyes were discolored, a weird heterochromia of grey and red, one lazier than the other. 

but none of that mattered when Katoron threw a furious fist at him. No one would be able to recodnize the boy if he had his way with him. Katoron scream, yelled, and fought against the heroes that held him back. Hot tears streamed down his face, as they should for a man who has just been told that his son is dead and his daughter, is dying. 

"I'll kill him!" He continues to scream before but the boy is screaming back.

" WHY DID YOU HIT ME!! I'M YOUR SON! I'M YOUR SON! YOU LOVE ME!" As if he is stuck in an illusion of fact and fiction. 


Is the only word to describe him. He starts mumbling about the girl, Leona and saber before grinning. 

" She's the problem. It's her fault.. It's all her fault." He grins and begins laugh again but suddenly falls silent as a hush falls over the room, causing everyone to stare at the suddenly movements of a girl. 

The girl who had been unchained from the table. Her wounds still breath and her steps are uneven, stumbling. 

Some heroes remember this all too well, the heroes who unfortunately had to rescue this same girl over 11 years ago, they remember this look on this little girls face. 

and one name left her father's lips as the girl stumbled over to them. 

" Saber." 

She peered over at the large human and just like that day years ago, the face of a beast stared back at him and speaks one haunting line. 

" He hurt us " 

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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