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2 days after being hospitalized, i started to hear more and more about Stain. Everything about him. 

I wouldn't say i like him and the things he did, but it is true, as children, we looked up to the heroes that saved lives and ran into danger head first. We didn't aim to become heroes for money or fame, we wanted to be a hero as great as the ones before us. Heroes that would sacrifice everything to save even one life. 

It seems that many people are starting to realize the same thing. 

After finishing my internship i found myself walking with Liona. Together we walked hand and hand towards school. 

It's been a few days since she brought me my uniform and she met my father face to face. 

I see bruises littering her arms and burns up and down her legs. 

I gently take her arm in my hands.

" What happened?" She looks away looking uncomfortable. 

" If i tell you, you will be upset. " She looks away again pulling her arm away from me. I get an idea of what it is.. 

I'm not dumb you see, I'm on the smarter side. 

I know only 3 heroes that use flames and would only 1 of them would willingly train her.. 

" Why would i be upset that your training with your father?" She Cringes.. 

" I'm not training with my father.. I'm training with your....." 

The world around me freezes.. apparently i'm not as smart as i thought i was.. but my father willingly training her.. 

" My father and your father were talking a few days ago and it was decided that I would train under your father because my father cant help but go easy on me.. and it would be good for be to learn from different people..." 

I stop her.. a bit of my anger getting the best of me..

" He's being to rough.. He shouldn't be injuring you like this..." I growl under my breath and i'm shocked at her reply. 

" These were all of my own mistakes! I was being careless. He hasn't done anything to intentionally harm me! He's given up his free time to train me. He's willing to train me without holding back. Do not make up reasons to hate him. " She growls at me with a animalistic undertone . 

I can only stare at her shocked. She has never spoken to me with such ferocity before.

We havent spoken since this morning. 

She is angry with me and everyone can see it.  Her quirk is out in the open and her tail has been wiping back and forth all day.  Every chance i got to speak to her, she would avoid me and make her way to Bakugou knowing all well that i do not enjoy his company. 

Bakugou on the other hand would smirk and keep her away from me as long as he can grinning like he'd won some kind of competition. 

Being away from Liona, Being ignored by her gave me time to think. Thinking back to my childhood. all those bad nights, horrible days of training. 

It is true that father had made me stronger. His training was ruthless. Harsh.  I cant help but imagine the worse when Liona says he is training her. I see those injuries on her and i cant help but be angry at him even though i know injuries happen while training. 

But she stood up for him. After how he treated her, she stood up for him. It's unusual. It's uncomfortable. I dont really know how i should take this new information.

Everyone is ready for the assignment. Running as fast as we can to get to the goal. After our internship everyone seems slightly different. I cant help but watch Liona intently. She moves with more confidence, strength and purpose. 

Even though she's only been training with my father for a few days, i can see him in her movements. The down right animosity in her leaps. She's further merges her quirks. AS she jumps from building to building, she's almost untraceable with the naked eye. I can only keep up with her movements for the bright red flames that envelope her.  Not a big fire but big enough that ever step she takes leave a smoltering puddle of what ever had melted under her feet. 

Just like my father. I cant help but grimince. I can see that she such a lot more confidence in her step as well. She no longer cowers when the class crowds around her. 

I see her looks towards me but look away. 

" Haha first fight?!?!" Kaminari laughs at me as we enter the locker room. I do something which some might call a pout. 

we are not fighting. We are merely... I'm not sure.. but we are not fighting. 

" Todoroki-kun, you should just talk to her.. I'm sure everything will be ok." midoriya always has a refreshing way of  not knowing anything. 

We became like this as a result of talking.. 

no.. this was because of me. She did nothing. She is getting stronger and changing while i am still stuck on the past. 

I had snapped at her. 

My father is making her stronger and she is training under him at her of free will. She chose to train under him and i did not accept that. 

I stacked what had happened to me with what is happening now. 

I have not forgiven father and i had pushed that hatred onto her for no reason.

It is my fault that we are like this today. 

I must apologize. 

I wait for her as the day ends. I wait for her in front of the school and as she walks out she walks right into me and wraps her arms around me. 

" i'm sorry i yell this morning. It was not my place to yell. I know that you dont have a good history with your father. I should have spoken with you before deciding to accept your father's proposal. I'm sorry. please dont hate me. " 

She whispering into my chest. I wrap my arms around her before pulling her away. 

" No i am at the wrong. I'm not your watch dog. You shouldn't have to ask me permission or anything of the sort. I shouldn't have snapped. I shouldn't have taken my dislike of my father and pushed it on you. I am sorry. I am not used to you not needing me. " 

She looks up at me with her sweet smile.. 

" I'll always need you Shouto, you my hero.. " 

I hug her tighter. I'll alway be your hero. Please just never not need me. I just feel like I'll loose you to the world. 

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now