Saber ( background of saber)

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" Saber, why wont mommy talk to me? " Girl's voice is kind. She is small. very small.

" She no talk.. She is afraid me." Small human doesn't smile. " Saber, I'm not afraid of you cause i'm 5!!! I'm a big girl! so why is mommy afraid of you?" Liona is curious like a newborn kit.

" she afraid for I strong and she weak. "  she seems to understand. Her arms look sore. I can still see the dots of dried blood. Outside the room, I can see her parents talking to the doctor.. They are talking about. Why was I revived why this girl touched my relic? They don't understand.. They took many test on the girl. They are confused. They are afraid. but I am here for the girl. They are afraid I would hurt her? No. They are afraid I would hurt them. The man in white walks back into the room. His eyes are bland and his smile is fake. A shining object at his hand. He sticks the needle in the girls arm again and a oozing green liquid is inserted into her system.. She can no longer hear me. No longer see me. The man pick her up and I see that the woman in sleep on the floor. almost dead.. and I know.. "This man is villain.

I growl but they are gone to fast.

I find the girl in a room by her self.. machines connected to her blood. her eyes wide open but dull and unalive. The men dressed in white surround her and they stare at me afraid when they see me.. I growl and swipe at them. Nothing happens.. I snarl and they smirk continuing their work on the girl..

I can not save her.. after coming, reviving from the relic to save her. After seeing the small child smile..

I lay by her side and watch as she cried.. her eyes are dull but her hands shake and her heart never lies.. She is afraid.. She is alone..

I growl loudly and find myself glowing.. I walk into the girl on the metal table and I flex my paws, now the girls' hands.. curl my lips up, and form a smirk on the girl's lips.

I'll kill every villain on this earth.

Blood drips from the girl's hands.. The drip to the floor. this is a familiar scent. it reminds me of my past life.. OF me thriving in the wild waiting to pounce on prey.

People rush into the room. I wait to decide weather or not to attack.. Her mother stares in fear at her blood covered daughter. Her elder brother wide eyes clinging to his mother..

They now fear her.. They fear us..

I am sorry Liona... I will never appear before you again.

( more soon to come!!)

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