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I'm fighting the winner of the first braket. All of them are strong. We make our way out onto the field. I feel his hand grab onto mine and we hear murmurs in the crowd. I can feel Bakugo's eyes on me but it's ok, if anything happens, Shouto is here.

We make our way to the stands and i hear my father yelling our names again. We look up to see my father waving at us from his spot in the stands.. I happily wave back but Shouto just nods his head as a greeting. I then hear yelling. I see that Father and Endevor are face to face and the people around them have dispersed.  I hear their conversation.

" Kataron and Endeavor are face to face!!! HEY HEY NOW!! Don't go causing any trouble!" A few other heroes rush near by just in case something happens.  " Shouto has no business to be with your pet of a daughter. " His voice is deep and demand respect..

I rush to the edge of the stands and stand in front of father. I let my claws unsheathe and try to calm my heart beat. " Mr. Endeavor. " I bow showing my respect to the number 2 hero.

" You have no business speaking to my father in such a way. He has done nothing wrong.  If anything, you should be angry with me.  I am the one who will save Shouto from that awful cage he's trapped in now. " I growl and you can slightly hear Saber's voice mixed with mine.

The flames forming his beard explode in an array of reds and I feel fear consume me.  I feel the ice crawl up my arm. I feel his presence next to me..

" Liona.. he's not worth your time. He's someone who is never satisfied. " I feel his arm wrap around my shoulder and leading me away. He stops for a moment.

"  Liona is mine. There will be more than just Quirk rejection coming to you is you ever harm her. " His voice is ice cold. I feel the ice crawl up my arm but pay it no mind.

" I will not let you treat her anything like you treated mother.." His voice is low. Probably only meant for his ears but I hear it.

We walk away from them and I hear my father's chuckle. " I'd say that's more than just a rebellious stage. He hate's your guts. " My father is making fun of Endeavor as if it's nothing.  before we are out of ear shot I hear my father's threatening voice echoing through the halls.

" If you ever lay a hand on my girl. There wont be a person to call number 2 hero anymore. Don't underestimate me. You've never fought me before. I can tell you just by watching you fight that I'm stronger than you are and you know what? " He pauses. " I may just turn into a villain and kill you if you ever lay a hand on her. "

Shouto is angry, I can feel the vibes rolling off of him. HIs match is next and after him is his vs who ever won this round.  I walk him to his waiting room and make my way back to our group. I find everyone staring at the stage. It's covered in ice. He finished the round in just a few minutes. .

" Sorry, I took out all my anger on you. " He starts melting the ice.. I stare down at him. He's glaring up at his father. Oil's been added to his flame. Midoriya may not come out of his battle unscathed.

 I watch there battle half way. I'll be fighting who ever wins. It takes a while but i'm finally called up on stage.. standing across from me if Shouto of course. I knew that he could do it. I knew it but now I am afraid.

How will I fight him.

" Shouto.. remember your promise. " I whisper and he nodes. He starts right off the bat charging at me with his ice. I go to dodge but i''m hit with heat. I slightly scream. I did not expect him to use his right side. I smirk.

" Shouto.. Don't forget who you are. " I say more to myself and he smirks. running at me again.

" Saber!" I growl and she replies by growing fangs out of my mouth long claws forming at my finger tips. I feel fire forming my hair and along my spine. I growl and I smirk as the crowd goes silent. They are shocked. I fused my natural born quirk with my Zoo., my mutation.

" I thought the teachers said for you to never use Saber again?"  Shouto asks as he punches towards me.. I smirk. I feel the pain in my head. " I got special permission after training and proving that I can control her. " He jumps towards me again and grabs my arms about to fling me forward towards the edge of the stage but I dig my claws into his back. I see him wince. I bite down on his arm and he pulls back away from me. cradling his now bloodied arm.

I wipe my lips and I feel ice slowly crawl up my arm and fire on the other. " Now that I've seen your right side in action, My information on you is complete. I growl as Saber recedes and I run at Shouto attacking him with his own quirk. Every time I attack with ice, he attacks with fire and it's the same with the opposite. I feel light headed. This isn't working. So I add another zoo.  I feel wings form on my back and speed towards him. I smirk as he struggles ot dodge me.. I feel the warm liquid dripping down my nose but it's alright. It all ends here. I gave it my all. I showed my best. I've passed my limit a long time ago.. I slow to a stop as I finally land a hit on Shouto. I sway from side to side.. I feel dizzy and light headed but I raise my hand..

"I've had quite enough.. my body can't handle anymore.. I forfe.." I cant finish my sentence as I start to fall forward.  I feel warm arms catch me and I face the sky.

" Shouto, I was strong huh.. I could protect you like you protect me huh.." My vision fading in and out of darkness.

" You are strong Liona.. Now go to sleep. You need rest. " I close my eyes and I feel his warmth envelope me.

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now