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It doesnt take time for me to get to Chronos. He doesn't have an agency just like more underwords heroes and that puts me at ease. I wouldnt be able to handle meeting a whole building of people just to learn a trade.  

Chronos is an interesting man. He doesnt talk much but when he does, It's a great inmact on my way of thinking. after a few days of training with him,  We set out on actual missions. 

The first one was easy. FInd the source of the drug being sold and bought in the underground. This was the first time he complimented me on my quirk and work. 

The next was a mission that i misserable failed but he cleaned the mess swiftly lectuering me on what i had done wrong and what i could have done better. On the third and last day, He lead me out of his base and into the city. We had changed into civilian clolthing but he mad eme carry around all  of my luggage. 

I realized that i had never seen Chronos without his hero suit on. I see that his left arm is mechanical and from what i can see, some of his torso is as well. I want to ask about it but i refrain from doing so. It could be a touchy subject but i see him smile for the first time in my life. 

" It's my quirk. Time lapse is a very dangerous quirk where if i loose control, I'll loose myself. Kind of like your saber. From what i've been told, you've lost yourself to Saber before. When i loose myself, My quirk begins to retaliate by consuming my body. Time is a very sensitive thing to tamper with. As you know, I can move forward in time but not back. It's not that i'm unable to, It's because, I know i shouldn't i could change the future as we know it. But there are some times when all i can do it reverse time. What i look like right now is the result of changing the past and not being able to come back to my senses. I was't lost though. I remembered the resons i fight and the reson i needed to get back. Before i knew it, I was back.. In horrible pain, but back. what i'm trying to say is, If you ever feel lost, just think of anything you love and cherish and i promise you that you'll find your way back to them. " He ends his story just as we enter an apartment building. 

This is the most i've ever heard him talk and yet again, he's changes my world. 

" Jinai? " A female voice asks from inside the apartment we enter and a bright smile breaks out on Chronos's face. The brightest i've ever seen. 

" This is who i fight for.. My wife, My family, my Hana. " He hugs the woman as she makes her way towards us. 

" You were gone for a really long time this time. I missed you. Jerika did to.." It took me a moment to see Hana's swollen belly. She looks about ready to burst. Chronos bends down to kiss her belly then motions for me to introduce myself.

" Nice to neet you Mrs Hana. I am Liona. I am under your husbands care at the moment." I bo and she laughs behind her hand. 

" Come i just made lunch we should all eat. " Chronos or i should call him Jinai since he is not a hero as the moment, instructs me to put my stuff down besides the door. 

I listen to Hana talk about so many thing and i see the satisfied look on Jinai's face. I question his decision of bringing me here. Maybe he got home sick, Hana did say that it's been a while. 

" You'll see why i brought you here. I watched you during your fights and i was told everything about you from Eraser head. I brought you here for a reason and you'll realize it on your own. " He always knows what i'm thinking. Nothing unexpected form someone who can see into the future. 

Hana gasps a little and smiles while placing her hand on her gigantic belly. " Liona come here. I want to show you something. "  She takes my hand and places it ever so gentally onto her belly. It feel like an over filled water balloon but warm..and moving. I feel it. a not so small force against my hand. 

" She's kicking me." I wshiper and Hana smiles. For some reason i feel the teas running down my face and without thinking, I put my ear against her belly. My quirk activates and i cry harder when i hear Jeriko's heart beat. 

It's so tiny and weak still. So precious about to be born into the world. She's going to be born into this world without a clue on what to think. 

" You were like this at one point. Small, weak.. powerless. You needed the protection of your parents. Of everyone around you before you could talks and walk. " Chronos. 

" I'm ashamed to say this but, I was going to abort her when i first found out she was there. " I froze. Abort.. Kill her baby?

" I so ashamed as a mother to have ever thought those thouhts. I didnt want her. You could even say that i hated her for being there. Mind you this while Jinai was away on one of his long missions.. I didnt know what to think. how to act. What to do. I'm a first time mom in a new situation. I didnt want her. I was scared. Scared that i wouldnt be able to rasie her. To love her but when I couldnt bring myself to do it. She's my baby. I'm her mother. Nomatter how much i told myself that i hated her or how much i didnt want her, everytime i thought about not being able to give birth to her, I cried. " There are tears running down her face now. 

" That's a mother. We're people to. We get scrared. We're not invincable. I love mybaby more than anything. I can only hope that she'll forgive me one day for ever thinking about giving her up. " 

I realize why i'm here. " Thank you. " I cry and cry. I want my mother. I want to see her and hug her. I want her to kiss me like she used to. I want her love. 

" Thank you.. " Hana hugs me or at least tries to around her belly. I feel the baby kicking against me as i feel her belly again. 

I'm my momma's baby and she's my momma. 

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