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Under his gaze, I feel so small. He has completely different air about him. Much different from father. 

People around me slowly inching away from us. Never had i thought i would be on a train with the number 2 hero staring me down.  He looks away and out the window. 

I realize that he does not look very scary as long as he is not angrily staring at you. He looks similar to father as a father if he does not have flames bursting around his face. His eyes look mellow and his hands look worn. 

I realize that as a person. he looks tired. You can clearly see the work he has put in becoming a hero worthy of number 2. 

I realize that he is human much like me. 

As the train stops at our stop, I make my way out of the train and slightly trip as people rush to get out of the hero's way. 

I hand grasps my arm as i fall. He clicks his tongue pulling me straight. He mutters things about clumsy and hero before stopping and waiting for me to right myself. 

Realization hits once again when his hand leaves my arm. His hands are warm. and his grasp was nothing but gentle. He is a hero. He would have never hurt me. I feel slightly ashamed to have even thought for a second that he would harm me in any way. 

He is human. 

He is a hero. 

" Gi....." He clears his throat and i wait for him to continue but he does not. 

I see my house coming into view and father is already standing in the front yard waiting for me with a cigarette in hand.  

" Leo. You will be strong. " I assume he is speaking about me. I laugh quietly at his mistake in name. 

" Liona.. Your home late. " Father says as we reach the house and Endeavor grunts looking uncomfortable. 

" Liona.. " He corrects himself and nods his head at me as i say my goodnight to the both of them." 

The leave the two and head inside as i past by a window, I see father offering the flame hero a cigarette. I can only hope for the best as i make my way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. 

" You missed dinner. " Mother is sitting at the table typing away at her computer. He doesn't spare me a glance.

" Your brother, even as a pro hero never fails to miss dinner. " She continues and all i hear is the rapid clicking of the key on her keyboard. 

" I apologize. " I bow my head slightly. I cant see her face. I cant seem to even face her properly. 

There is so much i want to say to her. To tell her about. How Shouto is in the hospital or actually i want to tell her about Shouto in general. I want to tell her about my internship and school. 

" What are you still standing there for. Are you going to beg for me to make you something to eat? I'm not making food for people who miss dinner. " Her voice has no emotion in it. Not anger, disappointment, or sadness. It's empty as if she's talking to air itself. 

" Your still here. " This time, there slight irritation in her voice. 

" I.. I...I wanted to.. um.. the um.." I try.. I try and try to form the words in my mouth. 

" I went to the hospit " I'm interrupted by the entrance of elder brother. He looks between Mother and I  smirking. 

" Mother i'm heading to bed.. Goodnight." He kisses her cheek and she hums a reply. He smirks at me before disappearing behind the door once again. 

" What were you saying. I couldn't understand with all your mumbling. " She all but mutters and i shake my head. 

" Goodnight mother. " I hurry out the room. 

I miss the look on my mother's face. 

From my window, i see that Father and Endeavor are still out there talking like friends. Father's booming laugh echoing into the night. I can see that Father is telling some sort of story with his hands waving in all sorts of ways and his movements large with some sparks of fire here and there. 

Before long, I see the smoke of their cigarettes go out and i see Endeavor go to leave. They look up towards my window. Father waves his hand in the air forming words in air. 

" Goodnight father. " 

I wave before closing my curtains and curling up in my bed with Marne. 

" Liona no bad man? Bad man good?" He paws at my hand for me to pet him. I snuggle my head into the crook of his neck. 

His warmth envelopes me, luring me into sleep. 

" That bad man might be good. " 

Author's corner: So i'd like to explain the last 2 chapters. So in my opinion, I dont think Endeavor is a bad person. Maybe a bad father but not a a bad person.  In this story, I want to make him into someone who just doesn't know how to treat his family. He doesn't know what family means. This takes place around the time he starts to notice that Shouto has changed. I want to have more chapters with him in it so that i can get into Shouto's life and give Liona a break. I also want to have a chapter with Liona's mom in it and her perspective before i get into her brother's story. I'll also have a chapter with Kataron and Endeavor's backstory just for fits and giggles. 

Also i'd like to apologize for all the bad grammar and spelling mistakes and just mistakes in general. I'm the type of person that cant find mistakes even after checking. My eyes just go right past them.. Also I'm the type of person who gets too into reading that i forget that i'm supposed to be correcting everything.. so my apologies

Thanks for putting up with me to this point and i hope you put up with me for a little while more. 

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now