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 I sat up in bed stretching my arms.. I need to get ready for school. Peeling the thick blanket off of my body I stand and start to walk to my closet but a knock on my door stops me.. No one's ever awake this early in the morning. I flinch as they knock again more loudly.. If anyone is up, it's to scold me about something..

" You may enter." I announce and I regret letting them in once I see who it is..

" Father.."

He looks around my room once and stares at Marne just as Shouto did when he first came in.  " Your friend Shouto.. Is he good to you?"  I never expected him to ask something like this..

" Yes father.. He is very kind to me.. " For the first time in a while, my father smiles at me.. A genuine smile. I flinch as he walks toward me with his hand held high.. I close my eyes.. but feel his hand on my head.. Opening my eyes slightly, I peer up at him. There's sadness in his eyes.

" We are going to visit somewhere before you go to school. You'll enjoy it." He hands me a bag I failed to notice he held. " I've brought you something.. you can open it, and then we leave." His slicked back brown hair and clear green eyes. Just like mine. His rough tan skin a shade or 2 darker than mine.

His callused hand caresses my cheek once before heading out the room. Father.. A man I've always feared. A person to avoid. A man much greater than me. A person who strikes fear into all of his enemies. Yet his hands are warm. HIs eyes are kind. Maybe I never noticed how kind his eyes are because I avoided looking him in the eyes. Maybe I never noticed how warm his hands are because I avoided any kind of human contact. I never noticed that he, my father, is sad.

I pull an item from within the gift bag. A casual green dress and plain black flats. That is his gift to me.. I walk with it to the mirror holding the dress up to my body.. It's the perfect length as well as the perfect shade to match my eyes. Tears come to my eyes slightly.. It's so beautiful. I fall to my knees and hold the dress in my arms.. A gift from father.

I walk down the stairs and in my new outfit and father is waiting for me by the door. A cigarette between his lips and hands in his pockets. A white, fitted dress shirt and jeans. HIs longs sleeves rolled up to his elbows and brown work boots on his feet. He nods at me opening the door. We walk out side by side.. A voice stops us.

" Father!" We look back to she elder brother running towards us from inside the house. " Where are you going? Can I go too?! It'll be boring with just little sister. She has to go to school anyways so that she can at least try to be like you!" Elder brother is already putting on his shoes.

That's right. It would be no fun with just me.. I look down at my new shoes. A hand lands on my head. " No. You cant come. I'm spending the morning with Liona today.. You can go to work." Father states staring at elder brother.

Elder brother is frozen in his spot. His eyes hold hurt but then anger.. " Why? This is because you pity her right? Because she will never be accepted into this family? Right? Your being choosing her over me because she's always going to be lower than m.. " in the blink of an eye, Father's hand has reached out and made contact to Elder brother's cheek.

" You dare speak to your father in that way. You will not raise your at me boy. " Authority dripping from his voice. I can see the fear spread in elder brother's eyes.

" Liona has worked harder than you have in your life. That boy yesterday proved that to me. I spoke with her teacher yesterday as well. She's worked harder to make her own name.. Not to reach mine. I've always let you be.. I let you and your mother speak to her as you please because I thought words would not hurt her.. but I was wrong. That boy, Todoroki Shouto, he spoke about how strong your younger sister is.. You should be the one praising her. You should be the one protecting her and I should have protected her from her own family." Father explained pulling me to his chest. Tears falling down my cheeks. My body racked with tears. His arms are warm..

After our confrontation with Elder brother, he ran off without saying a word and Father lead me off into the city. We didn't say anything but his arm is lazily hung over my shoulder and I can smell the smoke from his cigarette. I know he is beside me. I keep my eyes on the ground.

" Katoron! You've made it! Who is this? Your daughter?"  A man with bright blond hair asked as father shook his hand..

" Yeah.. This is Liona. Thanks for letting us come today." The man laughed and shook his head.. " I'd do anything for a friend.. Come on, They're just about to start feeding them. " This confused me but as we walked down the hall, I can hear their voices. Their singing their morning song waking up many other animals all around..

This is the city zoo.

' you here? you here? feed? feed? ' a bright blue bird chirped happily at me from the other side of the screen.

" Their hungry.. " I whisper and the man nods holding out a bucket of food.  He walks into their enclosure and the birds flee. They go to hide and don't come out.

I recognize these birds. The island Bluerings. the new species I've read about in books. I feel a slight push from behind me.. HE smiles down at me before opening the door into their room. I step inside and the man hands me their food. He exits and I wait..

' you feed? you feed? you hurt? you safe?' the birds cautiously fly towards me. I hold out my hand but they do not eat it from my hand.

' I wont hurt you. I'm going to feed you." I explain as they all start flying around me. Wind whips into a twister. It's not fast though. the food in the bucket flies out of my hand and spins with the wind. They catch the seeps midair and eat it. 

" Zoo"

I feel my bones shifting. My hair blowing in the direction of the wind.. vibrant blue winds sprout form my back and gold like talons on my fingertips. My eye sight strengthens and my sense of touch becomes more sensitive. I can feel every foot step in the zoo. 

The wind dies down and I stand there in my new form. The birds talk to me about their day.. about their life..  I listen to their truth until father knocks on the glass.

I nod.. and slowly, my wings disappeared in a explosion of feathers and my talons retract. The birds sing their good bye to me as I leave..

" Your quirk is beautiful.. we should spar one day, I'd like to see more of it. " Father states while he walks me to school. I nod.. in his eyes is love.. his eyes are different from Shouto's but father sees me as well.

I walk into the class and everyone becomes silent. A smile on my face, I walk to my seat.. Maybe because I don't have my uniform on but they all whisper about me..

" You look happy Liona. " Shouto whispers to ma and I nod.

" Father too me to the zoo. It was very enjoyable. " I go on explaining my day and he smiles at me.. he wraps his arm around me..

he stares at me with adoration. his eyes are not like fathers.

His eyes show me that he cares for me.. I hope that my eyes show the same for him.

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now