Katoron/ Kagumi

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 authors note: This is a really depressing chapter... I think it is anyways.. Just a heads up. Kagumi is a character i thought up thorugh my friend. My friend was from a bad family where his mother( who is white by the way ) married a light skinned black man and when my friend was born, she neglected him because he was very dark skinned ( thanks to his grandmother on his father's side. ) This chapter is dedicated to my friend who has finally found a family that loves him the way a child should be loved. And i promise, The story will get better so please do not think it will end anywhere near here.   

I remember her smiling face when she was born. She looked like the happiest person in the whole entire world. Even with her tear stained smile, She held Liona so carefully, and smiles so sweetly. Her dream had come true at this point.  2 children. One boy and one girl. 

I remember when we first met in highschool. When the teacher asked us about our dreams, Most of us wanted to do something extrodinary. 

Become a hero

Become a firefighter

An doctor

Her dream was to live happily and have the strength to protect all that she cared about. 

We all made fun of her. I remember that to. 

and now here i am married to her. I never noticed the change at first. It was simple glances she made at Liona that struck me as odd. 

When Liona suddenly harbored Saber, I didnt understand the extent of the psycological strain it took on my wife. She's afraid. 

I guess it cant be helped with the was she was raised in her family. High upperclass, nobles. Alwasy prim and proper. 

And there's our daughter. Strange. Nothing like her parents. 

I believe that this is where her dream was crushed. 

Not only did Liona not take her mother's quirk, she manifested a strange quirk and a beast took over our little girl's body. 

I know my wife. She does not hate our child, she is just stuborn. She cant find the right chance to make everything right again. She doesnt know how to make it better. 

The problem is Diron. My oldest son. He was raised by my mother in Law to take over my wife's family since she was an only child. Liona will take my name and this family. 

Diron is a problem. I dont understand where all his hatred comes from. It's like it had suddenly appeared out of know where. I would understand if it were just fear, but this eyes tell me a completly differnt story. 

His eyes show cold blooded hatred. It's unlike i had ever seen. He became very attached to me one day.

When he was younger, he dreamed of All might. Becomeing All might's sidekick and become a Super hero like All might but after one day, 

he was stuck to my side. He became my side kick and became a hero so similar to me that we are practically identical if not for my powers being different from his. He never spoke of All might again and began to resent him. 

I never understood but i brushed it off.

That was my mistake. I never thought he would lay a hand on family, but he genuinly tried to kill his sister. He tried to murder her in cold blood. I brushed it off as a regular sibling scrimish to reasure any onlookers but the look on his face said it all. He wanted her gone. 

I dont understand. 

I'm am not afraid that she hates me. For everything that i have done to her. I have glared, ignored, spoke unwell of. I have been nothing close to a good mother to her since the incident. 

I know that she hates me. 

She dispises me. I'm sure. 

I feel a pang in my chest when i see her smiling at Katoron but i brush it off and cover it with a glare. How can she act so normal. How can she act like she is afraid. Is she so ashamed  of me that she can not even look me in the eye. 

or am i the one who has done that to her. 

I'm sure that i am at fault. 

All the years of neglecting her. Of denying her love. I deserve what ever punishment the gods condemn me with

Kataron continues to smile at me like nothing in the world is amiss. I hope that he understands the words i am too afraid to speak out. If only he could relay the words of my heart to my dear Liona. 

My poor little Liona. 

My baby. 

How dare that beast take you away from me. 

Everytime i look at you, I see that beast's eyes staring back at me. Those murderous eyes staring at me thorugh your eyes. 

Everytime you speak, I remember those longated fangs that had onces proded from under your lips years ago. 

Everytime i see you, i remember your form covered in blood. 

My baby.. My poor Liona. 

I fear for you. 

I cant help it. I'm afraid to tell you worlds that i long for you to hear. I was raised a princess, I planned to raise you the same. That was my mistake. 

I am too prideful to show you, my daughter, my weakness. 

Somewhere in my heart, i know that you and that beast are one. So somewhere in my heart, i know that i hate.. I dispise a part of you and that is what keeps me from running to your side my caring for you as a mother should her child. 

That beast is what makes me glare, forces me to hate. 

That beast is what makes you a monster. 

All as long as that beast is there, I dont think i will ever be able to love you as a mother should her daughter. 

No mother could love the monster that the beast has made you into. 

I miss you dear Liona my beloved daughter. 

If only you were not taken by a beast. 

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now