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The only reason i hadn't moved in yet was that Shouto wasn't home. Fuyumi argued on my behalf that it would be strange and awkward for me to be in their house without Shouto therefore, my moving in  happens now. I was allowed to bring Marne along and a few house plants. Father beside me with a large box in hand. 

" You'll be fine. They're all good people and if the old man gives you trouble, I'll come running to beat his ass. " Father grins while saying this. Marne yawns at my feet but jumps in surprise when the screen door slides open showing a very tired looking Shouto. 

" Did we wake you son?" Father laughs placing a big hand on Shouto's head and tussling his hair. 

" Kataron.. I didn't think you would come with her. " Endeavor appears behind Shouto and i see a chill go up my boyfriends spine. 

" Enji you know i'd never let my only daughter walk into a den full of wolves on her own and i came to see what kind of environment my daughter will be living while you train her. " Father's expression goes bleak and a similar expression is shown on Endeavor's face. 

" Come on Liona. I'll show you to your room. " Shouto takes my hand in his oh so gently leaving the adults to talk by themselves. 

" your room's right next to my sisters since i thought you'd want to be close to another girl.." he goes on explaining different aspects of his decision and certain things about the house. 

Unknown to him, Id already been given a tour of the house before i started training with his father.. but he doesn't need to know that. 

" Leo. Let's get started soon. " 

Endeavor had gotten in the habit of calling me Leo instead of my given name and i had given up on correcting him. 

Shouto looked as if he is about to correct him harshly. I step forward. 

" I will be there shortly. I will say goodbye to father and place my things in my room. I will be ready in 10 minutes at the least. " He proceeds to pat my head lightly before making his way deeper into the house. 

" You seem to be getting along with him..." I can still here the bitterness in his voice but i brush it off. 

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound as harsh as it did.  I'm glad you are getting along with him.. Maybe you can teach me how to get along with people too. " He pulls me into his side wrapping an arm around my waist as we walk down the hall. He kisses my head and smelling my hair before letting out a satisfied sigh. 

" I seem to be better at getting along lately. Your father has been kinder since  the day he spoke with my father. " I hmm as father comes into view with my box of things. 

" I'm gonna miss you. Don't be scared to give us a call when you want to come home and remember what i said, I'll come running to beat Enji's ass if he steps over the line. " He kisses my forehead and ruffles Shouto's hair one last time. 

He starts to walk away but in the blink of an eye, his arms are around me. 

" Please visit.... Liona..No matter what it may look like, we will miss you. No matter how strong you become, please come back to us one day. " I can hear his voice slightly shaking but his grip is firm.

" ok. " 

I softly wrap my arms around father the best i can. I realize something. 

Father is a big man.. The fact that i can not wrap my arms around him is prof, yet he is afraid. He shakes in my arms softly.. like a baby bird. Shaking so softly that one would not know unless touched. 

father is a big man and an amazing hero. but he is not a hero right now. He is human and he is afraid. Afraid of something.. something i have yet to understand. 

He is afraid of something he has yet to voice. 

I must save him. He who is afraid, i must reassure that everything will be ok. 

so i smile. I smile because people are mirrors. When one sees a smile, they cant help but want to smile. 

I smile at father. I do not know what he is afraid of but i will tell him that everything will be ok because

I am here

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora