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His words carve a path in the world that I never knew I needed. I've never been spoken to like that. The way he looks at me. Like he really admires me.  but he doesn't know my name yet. He doesn't know what family I come from.

He still looks at me.. But our eyes tear away as the door opens again fro the first time in the last 10 minutes.  There stood a short boy with wavy black hair.. A plain looking boy but I feel my instincts go crazy.. This boy.. There's something about him. He stole all of our attention with just one sound of the door open.

The magical feeling is gone. But the sight is burned into my memory. How his eyes sparkled when he saw my arm, how attentively he listened as I explained my power. His mismatch eyes following mine until that door opened.

I pout and face the window. He ruined everything. I feel warmth from my left. His hand is heating up.. I can see the red hot air around his left hand..  He looks over to me. I was right. His Quirk uses fire. He reaches over behind himself and ice covers his hand.

" It's only fair that I show you my quirk since you graced me with yours. It's called Hanrei Hannen or Half hot Half cold. "  He points to his face.. " red is hot, pale is cold " His expression is straight as he explains this but as I listen, I can tell he has pride in his power, and listening, I know he's going to go far. His power is on a different level than of those in this classroom.

The teacher walks in and instructs us to change and head out to the field.

I walk out to the field to see everyone ready to go.. They all look completely confident and ready to do anything their told to. I shift from foot to foot waiting for things to start. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump on my toes and my eyes dilate.  " You really are like an animal. " I here from behind me.. " Like a frightened kitten" It's someone I don't know. He's observing me like a test subject.  It's the teacher.. I shrink a little under his gaze. I try to get away.. He watches me get away.. He knows who I am.. He's the teacher.. He knows who I am.

I shiver thinking about what would happen when he tells the class. How their eyes will never leave me. How he will look at me differently.. Like the runt of the liter.

I wait for my name to be called for the 50 meter dash. I picture a humming bird. As soon as the machine says go, I'm off. 3.45 seconds. I finish and look back at the teacher. He has a look on his face.. I cant tell what it is.. but it makes me nervous.

I make my way back to the group.. " You look like a humming bird. " I here him say to me.. I look up to see his eyes looking down at me.. It's those eyes again. They sparkle when ever he talks to me but his expression is plain and simple. true.

" There are feathers on your face. When you use zoo, your whole body changes?" He asks and I nod. He nods and we go up for the next test. The grip test. I don't change for this one.. I'd rather not. I finish each and every test with either Zoo or not. Each time I use Zoo, he comments on it.

I Wait for the results.. I don't want anything to change.. Even if it was just today.. Even if it was just this morning.. Someone looked at me with such passion. Such fascination. like no other I've ever seen. Like no other anyone has shown me.. I want to get to know him and I want to befriend him. I want him to befriend me for only me. not for my name.. I don't want him to see me as the weak link of my family.

With tears on the brim of falling down my cheeks I look up.. The scores go up in blue lights.  5th from the bottom of the first row of names. I see my first name.. but not my last. My breath hitched. I look towards the teacher.. He looks away from me not meeting my eye. I smile.. I smile for once. 

Mr. Aizawa, he saw me. He saw me trying as me..  " Why didn't Aizawa-sensei put up your last name" I feel his breath on my cheek. 

" My last name isn't important. I just want to be known as just me.. Liona. " I explain as he thinks for a moment. 

" Then it is proper for me to give you my first name.  It's Shouto. You will probably hear my last name from the class but I wont tell you." He states and I nod. I nod. " Thank you. " I pats my shoulder and starts to lead me off until we separate in the dressing room.  

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now