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I ran into the hospital room as soon as i received a message from him. I had to wait until the officials were done talking to them but i rushed in as fast as i was aloud. 

He was sitting there talking with Midoriya and Iida. They were laughing at something he had said but i sense no malice in their laugh. It sounds friendly. 

" Shouto. " I reach his bed and he looks up from staring down at his hand. I in turn take his hand and he gives me a simple smile. I can't smile back. Everything i saw on the tv. 

I dont think he saw it coming. My hand reaching out and striking his cheek. 

Since I woke up this morning, all i saw on the new was the incident with the Hero killer. Then seeing an very irritated Endeavor talking with people on the street. Then the fact that he only sent me a text that he was in the hospital and nothing more. No 'i'm ok' or 'everything is ok' just ' I'm in the hospital not in danger ' 

" I didn't expect you to tell me a big story or anything but the least you could have done is tell me that your ok. I scared father this morning because i ran out the door to the hospital because i was so worried. " 

His other hand, the one not in mine went to rub his now reddening cheek. 

" Sorry. I'm not used to people caring for me. I usually just have to tell my sister where i am and she's ok with it. " I stop his right there. 

" Your sister is probably worried out of her mind as well Shouto.. i know it's not my place to say but, be more considerate of the people around you. " 

I here Iida clearing his throat and i remember that we are not alone in the room. 

" Are the both of you alright?" I turn and walk towards them. 

" Liona-chan, dont be so harsh... Todoroki-kun came to save us without any explanation. We're not allowed to tell you the details but he was so cool. He just came and saved the day. " Midoriya goes on and starts mumbling and analyzing. I smile to myself. 

I'm glad. 

He has friends he wants to stand by. 

" How did your internship go Liona?" He asks like i didn't just hit him. His face showing amusement. 

" It was pretty fun. Chronos and i took down some thugs and on the last day, i met his wife and learned some life lessons. They taught me what it means to be a hero. and a part of a family. " I remember every word from that night. 

He brings our hands to his lips and kisses my knuckles. 

" Tell me more about it once i'm released from the hospital. " He gives me one of those looks that send shivers down my spine nad makes me want to hide away and scream. Iida once again clears his throat at the fact that we keep forgetting that they are here as well. 

" I was told that we will be released tomorrow before school so we should have someone bring our school uniforms to us. " 

I look up at him.  " Shouto.. would you like me to stop by your house today and grab your uniform? Then i can come by again in the morning and we can walk to school together. " 

" You dont have to.. My old man will be there. " 

I shake my head.. " I'll be ok. " 

" Then please. " I smile down at him and lean in to kiss his forehead.

" I have to go now. Father says that we have a.. family.. thing to do."  He looks worried but i brush it off. 

" I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. "

He nods and gets up to walk me to the door. 

" I'm not allowed to leave the room so this is as far as i go. " I laugh at this. He gives me a gentle smile and pulls me in for a kiss that i hungrilly accept. 

" I'll see you in the morning. " 

" Umhm" We part ways and all the way towards the doors of the hospital, i think of him.. 

then the fact that i do not know where he lives. 

I turn to go back to him to tell him exactly this but a voice calls out to me. 

" Your Liona.. Right?" His hair is a mix of red and white just like my Shouto and his eyes seem to laugh at the world. 

I nod my head and he grins like a child. 

" I'm Shouto's older brother. I was in the neighborhood and Shouto asked me to escort you to our home milady.. " He gives me a grin while bowing and holding out his hand like a gentleman.  

I blush at the gesture and take his hand as he wraps his arm around me like some kind of prince.. 

" He texted me that you were coming over to grab his uniform but you probably didn't know how to get our house.Your SO lucky i was just around the corner. " His way of talking reminds me of a young child trying to show off. 

" Oh.. I'm Natsuo by the way." I finally get his name.. 

" Your so cute.. My little brother is such a lucky little bastard." He says this lightly with a heartfelt laugh. 

Just as we reach the house he stops in front of the door and faces me. 

" Take care of him.. " His smile is different from all of his other ones. It's the smile of an older brother. 

Before i can reply, he opens the sliding door and yells for a Fuyumi, whom i know as to be their older sister. 

 " Oh.. you brought a girl.."  behind her stood a very tall, very angry Endeavor.. 

" What are you doing in my home girl..." His voice sends shivers down my spine.

I feel like a mouse standing in a lion's shadow but is he expects me to act like a mouse, he;s going to be shocked when he gets a tiger. 

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now