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This puny girl. She has some nerves coming into my home. She's shaking like some stray dog but i can see a glare forming in her eyes. 

" I've come to gather Shouto's things for school tomorrow for him. " Her words are short and sweet saying as little as possible. 

She's afraid.. yet she doesn't look away from my eyes. I had heard and seen before that she was a coward under the gaze of others yet here she is standing tall and staring at me with such ferocity. 

I grunt my response before turning around to leave. I hear my daughter heaving out a sigh. I turn a corner and out of their view before stopping. 

I the great flame hero Endeavor am eavesdropping on a girl's conversation.

" Welcome. Despite our father, we're all pretty friendly. " I can hear them laughing. The girl laughing as well. 

" Make yourself comfortable, I'll go and get Shouto's things for you. " I can hear multiple footsteps and assume they are taking her to the tea room. 

I sit myself down in the said room before they arrive and open a newspaper. 

" Father, " My eldest greets me as he opens the sliding door. He and the girl quietly enter the room and the tension rises instantly. 

I hear not one foot step as the find a spot to sit in. I raise my brow. I expect nothing less of my son but the girl, i find unusual. 

It is only proper for a higher class being to have silent steps for that is how we are raised, especially for a house such as mine. I know for a fact that Kataron, he was never interested in things such as this. I'm curious as to why, she seems invisible. 

If she had not been sitting right in front of me, I would never suspect her to even be in the room. 

The room is silent. I dont even hear a single breath. Even as she is handed a cup of tea, She drinks silently and the cup is silently placed back on the table top. 

" Why are you so silent. " I cant help it. I ask and she jolts in surprise. Almost in fear as if i would hurt her. I feel slightly offended with that fact that she thinks i may place a hand on her, that i, the great flame hero would harm her. 

" It is simply a habit of mine sir. Have i offended you?"  I grunt in response. 

Another curious question formed in my head. 

" I sent in a application for you to come to my agency for the internship. I assumed you would follow Shouto and come. " I smirk at her and she scowls. An expression i have yet to have seen on her face. 

" I am not a lost puppy. I do not follow others around. " 

" It seems that you are not. "  I smirk. I never would have thought for her to openly glare at me without the protection of her father or Shouto. 

" I did not need the teaching of a flashy hero like yourself. " I almost take this as an insult but she breaths out and continues calmly. 

" I have already been offered a job alongside Eraserhead in the underground hero society, therefore, I attended an internship with underground hero Chronos. " 

I'm slightly surprised with this new information. WIth her quirk and name, she could become a great hero in the future yet she chooses to work in the darkness. It slightly reminds me of a winged fellow i know. 

" There is no doubt that you sir are an amazing hero but i will never approve of what you have put Shouto through. Therefore, i will never be able to come to like you even in the slightest. Yes, i respect you, but i will never like you. Never. " She openly glares at me again. 

" Yet i wonder why.. Why Shouto attended his internship at your agency. He despises you and aspires to be nothing like you. " 

Somehow, i feel a slight pain in my chest. For a child to aspire to be nothing like you, i'm sure it would pain any parent. 

" I did everything for him." I try to stay calm.  This girl. She is pulling every strip to unwild my anger. 

" He will become the number one hero of his generation. " She smirks 

" That is a decision for him to make. Not you or society. " I can feel the flames crawling up my arms. 

" WHAT DO YOU KNOW GIRL OF SHOUTO. HE IS MY SON. I WILL MAKE HIM THE BEST HERO. HE WILL SURPASS ALL MIGHT. " I slam my hands down on the table. She flinches, the strength in her eyes gone. I realize, this is a reason she will never like me. She is afraid of me. My son at her side almost on top of her shielding her from my flames. 

" You are wrong. you will not make him into anything. He will one  day surpass All Might but only through his own strengths. He has already graduated from your teachings and he has moved on to the next stage of his life. " 

I lost in this conversation. Me, arguing with a girl about my son. The world has taken a turn for the worst. 

" As a fellow child of a famous hero, I'd like to think Shouto and I are similar. You should praise him. He is your son after all. " 

She smiles as if the whole world is right. Her eyes glow with such kindness that i no longer wonder why Shouto has a fascination with this girl. Her voice to soft as if she is unafraid. 

The sliding door opens once again and a gasp escapes my Fuyumi's lips. " Oh my. " 

The table is burnt from my outburst and i am standing over the girl. Natsuo still protectively sitting beside her. 

" It's late and i'm afraid father will be upset with me if i am to stay out any later. The girl stands as Fuyumi hands her my boy's things. 

" It was a pleasure meeting you Fuyumi-san Natsuo-san. " She bows and then looks towards me. 

I realise as i watch her talk to my children. 

She may as well be the reason Shouto has become the way he is. The reason he no longer glared at me. The reason he is more accepting to my teachings. 

He is the reason he had run off to save the people he calls friends. The reason he now has people to call friends. 

I follow them to the entrance way. 

" I will accompany you home. I have a sudden urge to speak with Kataron. " She flinches under my stare.  She says nothing as i leave the house before her. 

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora