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This is stupid. I've only known her for 2 days and this is the second day. How can I act so bold to her. 

But she heard my thought. Somehow don't know how. When I saw her eyes full of sorrow, Everything in me broke. She herself knew that she will never stand beside me the way she is now.. This is what I knew would happen if we to...

to become what?

We are lovers now?

I've claimed her as mine. That kiss is proof. I've even said it out loud and she didn't deny it. She holds my hand with the same gentleness as before.  Her face is bright red.. I want to kiss her again and again.. I want to see her reactions. I want to see her face when she is surprise, when she's embarrassed. I want to kiss her red cheek.

Again, what's wrong with me.. I don't know. I've known her for less than a full 2 days. I barley know anything about her. I know her name and her quirk. The fact that she doesn't want her last name to be known.

The train finally stops and we walk onto the plat form together. I pull her closer to me.. I have the right to do this now right?

I notice that many small creatures come scurrying over to her.. The make a noise and she smiles at them. Birds fly low around her singing and dogs behind fences whine. The cats that usually avoid any person, come lazily out of the shadows of alleyways.

" What are they saying?" I ask and she looks up..

" They're greeting me. The speak in many different ways. Some with worlds of their own and others with certain motions. " She explains to me with many examples. She only seems so lively when she talks about the animals. She suddenly pulls a hand towel out of her bag and wraps it around my arm. She whistles softy and I hear loud flapping.  I stop myself from jumping back and shooting my ice towards the monstrous bird. It's talons clutch my arm from above the towel..  She giggled as I stare at the predator on my arm. The bird slowly makes it's way to her arm. Its cautiously balances it's self on her shoulder. It's talons never touching her soft skin.

" He does not like you. " She laughs as I glare at the bird. I haven't even done anything to him. The bird stares back at me with an equally hard glare..

I'm glaring at a bird.. This girl.. She's making me do things that I would never do. I here her laughing.. I look at her.. " It is alright.. This Hawk dislikes all male humans. " She runs her fingers across his wing. He ruffles them back up before taking off. He circles around us in the sky once before fly off.

" You really do get along with any animal and they care about you as well." I hold her hand again and begin to lead her towards the school again. She nods happily..

" I have known many of this town's animals for most of my life once I gained my quirk. AS you know, I don't have very many friends, but with all these animals around me, I didn't need any. I also had my brother then as well. "

So she has a brother but she said then..

" My family, they.. " She stops talking.. " Never mind. " She looks down again. I don't push the matter but I will find out more about her.

We walk into the class room and sit down.. We're the first ones here. We sit in our usual seats. Before long, Our classmates walk through the door, completely excited.. what for, I don't know.. This is still a school so we will be taking regular classes. I'm assuming that they think we will be taking special classes even if it is the same subject as other schools. Fools.

The classes drag on.. until our hero course with All mighty.

Combat training.

We get our costumes and head out the room to get changed. Ice covers my left side except for my eye. I look for my Liona.

She walks out in a tight cat suit that and her hair tied up in a high pony tail. She blushes when our eyes meet.

" I asked for a costume that will let me transform my whole body but not rip and tear every time. They told me  that it cant be done like just stretching since I grow smaller. I would need different adjustment for every animal, like a tail, fur, mane, wings.. So they made me a costume that fits like skin. It's tighter than i expected but it's easy to move in. " She explains adjusting the belt at her side. Gloves and wire hung from the belt as well as other small tools.

All might starts the lesson.

" We have an odd number of student so while I pair everyone up in teams, the odd man out will the third party of the exercise!" His grin is brighter than I remember. I have a feeling the odd man out will be Liona and she is.

She sighs but All might whispers something into her ear.. She brightens up instantly. I'll have to ask her about it.

We start and most of us watch from the control room as our classmates fight in what looks like a fight to the death. It wasn't.

Before I know it, Liona is gone. I never noticed her leave my side. I look around in confusion. I can see All might grinning even wider.. my eyes widen when I look up at the screen.

Her cat suit has turned to fur the color of black. Her eyes gleaming in the dark of the shadow. She stalks the team guarding the paper bomb. in an instant, She's gone again. Her now, scales. Fast, She strikes them . They don't even see it coming. There on the floor paralyzed by a weak poison. She them hides them and lays in wait for the other team to show. Just like before, They don't see it coming.  She grins happily licking her lips..

" You must never assume that it is only you and the enemy.. "

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now