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" What!?" I stare at him in astonishment. A sports festival. I knew this was coming but what was I to do? I have already been offered. Job by my very own teacher after Highschool I have no reason to participate in the festival.  But never the less, this is a school and at the very least it is still a school activity.
" you will do fine " Shouto assures me with a hand placed on the small of my back. I feel everyone staring at us.  On his face is a cold he glares at Midoriya. What he has against the boy, I don't know but it doesn't matter. I would support Shouto in any way possible. He has been my light in my darkest hour and  I plan to keep his up on his feet as he run far off into the distance to aconish his goal. I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts.
" listen to me liona, my father can not know about us. Do I make myself clear. You will be in danger is he find that you and I are together. He will see you as a threat. He will find a way to end it, to end you."
I flinch under his hard stare. His father almost sounds like some kind of villain nothing like a father should sound like. I can only nod. I'm sure he sensed my fear because he wraps his arms around me.  " It will be alright. I will protect you.  Remember.. I will protect you even if it from my own family. " I can hear his muffled voice against my skin. I nod and hug him back..

"  What are you supposed to be?  I don't remember you at all. " A boy from the other class asks as we walk out of the class room.  Shouto has his arm tightly wrapped around me.  I look up to see a boy with a bored look in his eye. He's Watching my every move. Assessing me. I go to answer but Shouto pulls me away from him.. " Let's go. "

We sit in the small room. the tension is high. The air is thick , and everyone is on edge. I hear Shouto's declaration of war against Midoriya Izuku.. And I feel the fear and slight sadness.

" Shouto.. Can I... If I Get far enough to face you.. Promise me you will fight at full strength. That you  wont hold back.. Cause I know, I don't measure up to the strongest people of this class, but I told you before, I want to be strong and catch up to you."  They all stare at me. He grins..

" You don't need to worry about a thing Koneko.. I wont be holding back on anyone.. I'll beat every single person in this room. " His tone is cold. like ice. I feel fear crawl up my spine. his eyes are hard.  I wouldn't call it resolve. more like hate for someone. Like he's carrying a burden on his shoulder. I shutter at the sheer power of his voice. My form shaking.. but it's not all from fear..

I'm excited.

The screaming starts. I can hear the crowd cheering for class A1. We are the stars of this festival. We are the ones who survived the villain attack. We are the ones expected to win this tournament. I chose to walk a ways away from Shouto. He didn't want us to be seen to close. I didn't have the confidence not to hang onto him. I see his father.. I can only glare. but I also see my father. He is cheering for me. He is without mother and brother.             

I wait for the festival to commence in the first trial.                       

The lights turn green. I jump as high as I can and shout my words. " Zoo: Birds of prey " I feel the ice forming behind me.  I can feel my bones shifting and forming wings on my back.  just as I finally catch up to Shouto, I see the robots from the entrance exams. I smirk as he freezes them.  I let my bones shift once more.  I grin. " HARDENING" I let my arms harden to the max and smash the ice into shards. I start to run after my boyfriend. 

I refuse to be left behind by him.  I will not be left behind.    I let alligator skin crawl up my arms and let loose explosions from my hands.. " Zoo: Bakugo"  I jumps above Shouto and kick towards him. He glares at me.

" I thought I told you not to double up your quirk. you never last long if you do. " I can hear the worry in his voice but there is still that 'thing' in his eyes.  I smile.

" You weren't the only one who was training these 2 weeks. I had my father train me for endurance and I studied everyone in our class and completely copied them into my Zoo. Even you Shouto. " His eyes widen. His eyes relax slight before he kicks me sideways and starts running. 
" Be careful. "

The ice crawls up my legs immobilizing me. I stand there shock.. How can I be so stupid to fall for that. I hurriedly melt the ice with his quirk and run after him.. By now, I can hear Bakugo's hurried foot steps following behind me.. He's screaming.

we reach the tight rope valley. What an I supposed to do.. I cant keep using my quirk. I wont last long like this. If I just use something that will work until the end, I only have to activate my quirk once.. I stop and think for a moment.  I nasty grin forms on my lips.

" Zoo: Griffin " This is my new art.. It took the whole 2 weeks for me to form the complete formation. I put together the wings of a king vulture and the strength of a lion.

I take off and I hear the crowd go wild.. I fly past the tight ropes and I see the boys fighting each other in the mines. I'm suddenly dragged down to the ground by tape on my ankle.

" You didn't think we would make this easier for you did you Liona.. " Sero Hanta grins and I curse under my breath. I was so focused on them, I forgot about the other. All of them are not weak.  I start running as fast as I can, The lion strength helps  but a lion doesn't have much stamina to keep running at high speeds. I decide to take off once again.. Creating a great gust of wind, I feel myself lift into the air only to be blown in random directions from an explosion behind me. I see Midoriya Izuku fly past me on a hunk of metal. I growl. I flap my large wings and race after him. We, the 4 of us get past the mines and all that's left is to get to the goal. I grab onto the blond boy and grin when he attacks me with his right hand. I grin. I lift him up in the air and fly faster. I use him as a booster and he seems to get the idea and struggles in my grasp. Kick off of his shoulders as he's pushed behind and I launch myself forward. . I jerk to the left to dodge a shot of ice from Shouto. I dive down and just as I reach his shoulders. We cross.

" First place, Midoriya Izuku

Second, What's this?!?!?! A tie between Todoroki Shouto and Hishotana Liona. Kids of 2 fire based Heroes!!! What is this?!?! A face off between fathers?

Third Bakugo Katsuki

They go on showing everyone the ratings of the race.

" There's blood on your face. " I feel a hand on my cheek and I see someone I  would have usually stayed away from. His eyes hold anger and a little bit of hatred but his hand is warmly wiping the blood off of my face.

" Bakugo ..."

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