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We parted ways ate the train station. He seemed cautious as if approaching a beast but as he gazed at me, his eyes are still filled with wonder. His hand had  clasped around mine. He stood to my left. The warmth of his hand still present even after I board the train. The tug of his arm still burned into my brain. My heart beating at an abnormal pace. I place my hands where I can feel it's drum like beat.

I can remember his eyes full of kindness bearing into my soul. " Kyaaa" I gasp to myself.. People around me stare. I wince at their stares.. I don't know what this is. What makes my heart pound like this.. I am not afraid of him.. So why do I feel like this.

' what if I wait for her '

his words drift into my ears.. Startled, I look around. He's not here but I can hear his voice..

Those words, trapped in my thoughts for the rest of the day.  What does he mean he'll wait for her.. Who is he waiting for?

I don't touch my food and my parents look at me as if I'm hiding a secret. They don't ask me how my first day of school was or even how my day was.  Everything, Everyone is quiet until my older brother runs into the dinning room.

" Sorry I'm late! I was out saving people!" He rushes to his seat and making a big noise of pulling his chair out and sitting in it.  " Oh, it's alright dear.  How as your day?" My mother asks him.. I bow my head..

" May I be excused father? Mother?" I ask and my father nods.. They don't care about me.. They really don't.. I know that they don't expect anything from me. Just to keep from disgracing their names.

I excuse myself from the table and I feel something hit my head. I don't look up.. " Don't slack Little sister! You'll be forgotten by the world and left behind!" I hear him laugh.. I don't look back.. I just walk out the room.

I know that he doesn't think of me as his sister. He never will.

I walk back into my room. In my room where they wont bother me.. Pots of plants line the floor of room and cages without doors hang from the ceiling. Birds lay at rest within them. Mice scurrying into the homes they've created in the pots. A badger lay on my bed on his back.. I lay my head on his stomach.

I pet his head.. " If someone tells you that they will wait for someone, What does he mean?" I ask him and he flips back over onto his stomach.

' I no know. it wait for it. Like mother wait for cub when travel. ' I picture it in my head. I imagine him waiting far off in the distance with his hand held out and someone running towards him.

I still don't understand why I heard him.  I don't understand how I could hear him when he was no where near me.

" I don't know what to think Marne. There's something about him.. "  I whisper playing with his paw..

' human is bad.. no trust, no loyal, no good. Only Liona. ' He licks my cheek with his rough tongue. I wipe away him saliva.

" I know "

I wake up and leave the house before anyone else wakes up in the house. I make my way to the train and board before the morning rush.. I sit down on one of the many open seats.. The stars are just fading in the blue sky. The sun just peaking over the tall buildings. I pull out a small pocket book and start reading up on a new species of bird they found. It would be amazing if I can get my hands on one and talk to them.. I could potentially learn so much from they point of view of the world.. How they've been surviving without being found. I feel the seat dip beside me..

Who in their right mind sits next to someone when so many seats are open. I feel Him sit back and rest his arms on the back of the seat. His heavy arms drapes over my shoulder. I growl and unsheathe my claws. I swing at them.. Their hand catches my hand and entwines their fingers with mine.

" Are you going to attack me every time we meet?" He asks holding up our hands to our face. My face burns as I let my hand turn to normal.. " It wont happen again if you would actually greet me.. " I whisper looking away.. His fingers are entwined with mine this time. He looks down at me and leans back into the seat..

" Good morning Liona. Your as beautiful as yesterday. How is that?" He asks me with a straight face.. He doesn't even look at me.. He peeks at me from under the shade of his hair.. His Heterochromia eyes.

" No? " He tilts his head to the side, His hair shifting to the side. My heart is pounding again..

' human is bad.. no trust, no loyal, no good.'

I remember Marne's words.

" Mhm. " I nod and look away from him. A questioning look forms on his face. His hand grips my own but he doesn't say anything,

That's right. He's just a human.. A dirty, unfaithful, unloyal human.. Even if they are nice right now, they'll betray you.

Just like elder brother

This human is no different. He has far greater power than me.  Once his power is recognized, he will forget about me and leave me behind just like my brother did.

" Are you sure you should befriend someone like me? I am weak.. I will never be able to reach your level of power.. Your strength.. If you wait for someone like me every time I fall behind, I would only hold you back. " I whisper.. " I heard you on the train back  home. What if I wait for them, that's what you said.. I might not be, but I don't want to be the one your wai " His eyes. Their right in front of me. His hand had left mine. both hands firmly planted on the seat on either side of my head. Soft lips move against mine.

" I don't care what you want.. If I'm strong enough, I'll be able to carry you. I'll would  even go ahead and find an easier, more dangerous route and lead you through it safely. If anything. I want you to take your time and care for each precious step you take. I want you to love every thing you become. I wont be accepting any less.  I wont wait for you, but I'm not leaving you behind.. " His eyes are hard..

My heart hurts. it's in my throat. throbbing. He sits back down.. his hand takes mine again.. entwined fingers again. He must feel my heart beat. He looks completely relaxed. I touch my lips. I've never been treated like this before. How am I supposed to react.

" Your easy to read. Your like a puppy. "

A gentle hand caresses my cheek, then brushes through my hair, bringing my face towards his. His breath against my lips.

" Just enjoy what I give you. I don't give this out to just anyone.. "

His lips reach mine. 

" Your mine now "

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now