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She cries and cries and won't shut up. He wont even let me kill her. Something about needing her and extracting Saber out of her.

Saber.. A beast in human form. It was supposed to have been killed years ago and the relic was supposed to have been destroyed with it but someone the hero association got their hands on it and somehow this girl.. This little girl bonded with Saber.. How sweet.

This girl.. she ruins everything. Everything i worked so hard on. The history, the dreams, the whole entire world actually. I did it all. I made the perfect world for myself. I did it. I created the perfect cover.

Yet here i am, having to cover my tracts because this girl decides to be a nosy hero. Because she decided to play hero instead of running like she usually does.

She decided to run after the Bakugo boy instead of running away from danger.

This is what i get for letting her run free for too long.

Then there's him. He's at fault to.. He gave her the confidence that took so long to break down. Todoroki Shouto. That damn flame hero's son.

I thought he would be the last person she would ever talk to but guess not.. Who would of thought they would fall in love.. It's laughable. Of course.. Only a monster could love another monster.

She stares up at me with tears stained eyes, a gag stuffed in her mouth. I can only grin. Oh how long i've waited to see her like this Kneeling before me.. eyes begging for mercy. I hold a knife in my hand testing the blade.. I should of killed her when i had the chance. I should have scared her from ever using her quirk ever again.

If she would have just stayed away, this wouldn't have happened.

We could be living our lives. She in her pitiful one, and I.. I would be living like a king.

The next great hero!!

but no.. She had to go and mess up. I have to be the bad cop. I had to be the villain. Everything i've done gone down the drain.

I have to kill her now..

She knows who i am. If she goes back out there, they'll know exactly who took her. No one would have ever guess.

She's shaking her head back and forth as i walk closer to her with the blade in hand.. The metal turning a hot red at my touch.

" You've been a really bad girl lately Liona. What do you have to say for yourself..." I can hear her cries even with the gag in her mouth. i let out a laugh.

" I forgot.. Your gagged.. You can't answer!!!"

I step back pulling up a chair..

" I'll tell you a story like how i used to. Or what you remember. " I crack a grin.

" This story is about Jack. He's a boy born between small fry villains. He lost his parents when he was young and was taken in by a villain organization at age 3.

Jack had a really amazing quirk. He could alter memories! At first it was just one person. Making them believe that he already paid.. Making them forget the past. It was simple.. But then he met a man who gave him more power.. Now Jack could change the whole world and he was given a mission.

He has to spy on a girl. Guess what... That girl was you... Poor Liona..

anyways. So Jack made it easy. He kidnapped your brother and that man, he gave Jack the boy's quirk, an amazing quirk to use fire. Then he started changing history. He changed the whole world's memory. It's quite simple, little by little, he exposed different versions of your brother's picture to the public and your family. Slowly, the image of your brother changed and became Jack. Jack became your brother. He watched you for years and years forcing you to become a scared little girl and Jack thought that he could let you live until the man came to get you but now, your ruining Jack's future. You've ruined everything! I could become the next great hero. I could have become the next symbol of piece but you had to try to be a hero! You had to chase after Bakugou Katsuki!! How could you do this to your brother?! How could you do this to Jack Liona?!" He cower in fear as I get closer to her. I swipe the blade against her cheek, letting her blood drip to the floor. She squints her eye closed as hard as she can but i hear the whimper  leave her lips. 

" But i guess it won't matter anymore. the boss is ready for you meaning I can do whatever I want with you as long as i leave a living breath in you until he's ready to extract Saber. " I adjust the chains around her. What ever is wrapped in this chain losses their quirk. The boss made this especially for her. It stops saber from stopping my fun. 

Let the fun begin. 

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now