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The stress of it all is giving me grey hairs. I need to schedule and appointments for Diron and call the gardeners to come work on the front yard before the dinner party this weekend. I also need to get my dress tailored. It seems that it's gains a couple of pounds since the last time i've worn my dress. 

I hear the door open and i see her walk in. I hear the patter of her silent footsteps walking towards the kitchen where i am.  I hear her suck in a breath as she reaches the door frame and spots me. 

I dont have the time for this. SHe just stands there silently and i can feel here stare into my very soul. 

" You missed dinner." I dont mean for it to come out as harsh as it had but i brush my thought aside as she fidgets in the corner of my vision. 

  " Your brother, even as a pro hero never fails to miss dinner. "  I continue to tap type away to try and finish this document before the set deadline. 

She apologizes quietly and i can feel the anger swelling in my veins. I know she is not as quiet as this. I know. I remember her monstrous roar. Her vicious snarl. I remember her animalistic eyes. but i keep my voice level not giving away at my emotions. 

I cant.. It's not my place... to say anything. i am the monster who had not loved her own daughter.

  " What are you still standing there for. Are you going to beg for me to make you something to eat? I'm not making food for people who miss dinner. " I ignore her fidgeting. 

" Your still here?" 

She still here like she expects something from me. 

She starts to stutter i cant understand a word she's trying to say. 

Something about a somewhere she wants and a hospital and a boy.. 

I feel a slight pang of fear when i hear the word hospital leave her lips. 

Was she hurt. 

It catches my interest and i look up from the screen to get a good look at her. I see small scars litter her arms now and she no longer stands with her arms wrapped around herself. Her hair looks much longer than it did at the beginning if the year. 

Just as i get up to her face. Just as i see her eyes, my attention is drawn away by the door opening . 

  " Mother i'm heading to bed.. Goodnight." my son kisses my cheek and looks towards Liona. 

I look towards Liona again. I want to hear why she was at the hospital. I am her guardian after all. I should know these things. If anything I want to know that she is ok. That she is healthy. When was the last time that she was sick? The last time that she's eatten a whole mean. Is she fitting in at school? 

All these questions. I want her to keep talking to me. 

" What were you saying? I couldn't understand with all of your mumbling. " before i can get a good look of her face, shes looking down at the floor and shakes her head. 

" goodnight mother." She walks away from the kitchen in a hurry. 

I sigh and look back down at my screen to try and finish my assignment. 

The door opens and two very large heroes walk in and i cant help but smile. I feel i a bit of nostalgia when i see the two talking to each other. It takes me back to highschool when we would walk around causing trouble.  Thinking back now i know that it was just Kataron causing trouble and we would be dragged into the mess afterwards. 

They sit across the table from me and start discussing some more things. 

" So I walk talking with Enji and we were talking about Liona. You know how Liona and Enji's son Shouto are dating, so he offered to train her  because you kno... "   

I hear nothing after the  being told that Liona is dating Enji's son. I did not know that. How can he expect me to know something like that? He knows that we do not speak. 

" so that when she becomes a hero, she'll have more skills under her belt and she might one day become a Todoroki, she should be accustomed to their fighting  styles." 

He finishes and all i can do is nod. 

" So your saying that your taking Liona. " I try to sound less harsh than i want it to. 

" That's right." He shocks me when he says this. 

" I'm taking Liona from you two just as she took Shouto from me.  I've found that SHouto has become.. more human when your daughter took him and right now, Liona, she seems more afraid than any child should be. So i will take her. " 

How dare he. 

How dare this imbisale tell me how to raise a child when all of his children hate his very existence. 

" I intent to make Liona strong because Shouto is who she needs and Liona is who Shouto needs. I will be a hero whom they can be proud of one day. This is simply my first step. "

A hero Liona can be proud of. 

" Liona is already proud of me. She doesn't need another hero. " My husband informs the flame hero. 

Aren't i supposed to be her hero too. 

" We were never their heroes. " I whisper softly and the both of them stare at me. 

" We were their villains. " 

WE look at each other in shame. 

Maybe ill try to.. To become someone she might one day be proud of. Maybe i'll try. 

Half sweet Half not ( My hero series )Where stories live. Discover now